Rectory creates 'Unicamp Ambassadors Program'

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Rector Marcelo Knobel signed this Wednesday (20) a resolution creating the “Unicamp Ambassadors Program”. The objective of the initiative is to take advantage of the experience and network of relationships of former professors, alumni or professionals who have maintained close relationships with the University, so that they can represent it with teaching and research institutions abroad. The role will be performed voluntarily, that is, without any type of remuneration.

On the same day, Knobel appointed Unicamp's first two ambassadors: Cylon Gonçalves da Silva, professor emeritus at the University, and Ivan Chambouleyron, who was pro-rector of Research from 1998 to 2002. The first is living in Portugal and the second , in Argentine. Coincidentally, both were in Brazil and were received by the dean. “We have many former teachers and former students living abroad, all extremely active. Our idea is to take advantage of the presence and contacts they have with universities in the countries where they live to strengthen our relationship with these institutions”, explains Knobel.

Photo Perri
Rector Marcelo Knobel (right) and professor Cylon Gonçalves da Silva

According to the director, the two former teachers immediately accepted the appointment. “We are in contact with other names with the purpose of expanding this network of ambassadors around the world”, says the dean. According to the resolution, the ambassadors will represent Unicamp in meetings, ceremonies and events held by foreign universities, consulates and embassies. They will not, however, have the authority to sign agreements, agreements or contracts, nor even assume obligations on behalf of the University.

According to the resolution, there is no limit to the number of ambassadors to be appointed, and each appointment will be valid for two years, with successive reappointments permitted. The activity will be carried out on a voluntary basis, without any employment relationship or labor, social security, tax or similar obligation being created with Unicamp.

First actions

Professors Ivan and Cylon consider the Unicamp Ambassadors Program an important initiative within the effort undertaken by the University to internationalize its activities. The first said that, initially, he will work harder to strengthen relations with the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). “In a first work meeting, we decided that we will promote, in July, a meeting here at Unicamp to discuss the topic 'Science and Technology in Latin America'. The intention is to bring experts from different areas of UBA to give lectures, which will be followed by roundtable debates. The same experience will be repeated there, on a date yet to be defined. The purpose is to move towards cooperation that takes into account the challenges common to both universities and their respective countries”, says Professor Ivan.

Another concern, according to the now Unicamp ambassador, is to make the program permanent, that is, beyond the management of university authorities or the governors of the countries where the institutions are located. “Obviously, we are going to start this work bilaterally, but nothing prevents the action from being expanded to regional cooperation, which also involves universities in countries like Uruguay and Chile, to give two examples in the South American context”, added the professor Ivan.

Photo Perri
Professor Ivan Chambouleyron, Unicamp ambassador in Argentina

Professor Cylon adds that his mission as ambassador will begin with the teaching and research institutions in Portugal with which Unicamp already has formal agreements. “We want to strengthen and give more dynamism to collaborations. We agree that, at this first moment, our priority themes will be issues related to innovation and startups, which will involve the work of Inova [Inova Unicamp Innovation Agency]. We are already in conversation with the University of Coimbra, to define the launch of joint actions”, he says.

One possibility, according to the professor emeritus, is to hold an Innovation Management course in partnership between the two universities. “This course is already offered by Unicamp, but the proposal is for it to gain an international profile. We also intend to propose that Inova and the related body at the University of Coimbra promote a Hackathon to stimulate innovation actions”, says Professor Cylon.

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Professor Ivan Chambouleyron between the rector Marcelo Knobel and the general coordinator of Unicamp, Teresa Atvars


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium