Piracicaba Regional Hospital celebrates 1st anniversary with 42 thousand visits

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The rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, the mayor of Piracicaba, Barjas Negri and the superintendent of the Piracicaba Regional Hospital “Dra. Zilda Arns” (HRP), Pedro Pontin participated last Wednesday in the ceremony celebrating HRP's 1st year of activities with its packed auditorium. The event also presented the official logo of the unit and honored some employees by area.

The Piracicaba Regional Hospital “Dra. Zilda Arns” completed, on March 19th, a year of activities with a balance of approximately 42 thousand services, in total. The board of authorities also included the director of DRS 10, Benedita de Castro; the municipal health secretary, Pedro Mello; the representative of DEAS-Unicamp, professor Luis Cláudio Martins and councilor Pedro Kawai.

Since its opening, the unit has carried out 20.505 consultations, 2.715 general and outpatient surgeries, and 18.732 exams, such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, echocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, tomography, among others, exceeding the qualitative targets set for the first year of operation. “It’s a first step, but I’m tremendously proud of these numbers,” said the hospital’s superintendent, Pedro Pontin.

With a total capacity of 132 beds, the hospital is a reference for the 26 cities in the region of Piracicaba, Limeira, Rio Claro and Araras, it was opened in March 2018 with the purpose of exclusively serving SUS patients. The State Government invested R$34 million in works and acquisition of furniture and equipment.

“We want to congratulate the work carried out by 'Regional de Piracicaba' for completing its first anniversary, surpassing quantitative targets and, above all, for its concern with qualitative achievements that are reflected in assistance”, states the Secretary of State for Health, José Henrique Germann Ferreira.

In one year of activities, the hospital provided approximately 42 thousand services

Like any new service, the unit’s operations have been gradually expanded. For 2019, it is planned to activate 60 beds and offer specialties such as urology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery and gynecological surgeries. When fully operational, the HRP will offer 900 direct jobs.

To date, 10 adult ICU beds, eight semi-intensive beds and 42 clinical-surgical wards are in operation. The hospital receives patients referred by other units by prior appointment through CROSS (Center for Regulation and Offering of Health Services).

The representative of the Executive Directorate for the Health Area (DEAS) at Unicamp, professor Luis Cláudio Martins, highlighted in his speech that the HRP was very well “taken care of” in this first year. “This care essentially passes through the nursing group, the front line and the alma mater of a hospital”, thanked Martins.

Mayor Barjas Negri was emphatic when referring to the complexity of putting a structure like the HRP into operation. “Congratulations to everyone who led this structuring and even better, with quality that is a differentiator. We just have to celebrate”, highlighted the mayor.

Marcelo Knobel closed the event by referring to the hospital's recommendation rate by hospitalized patients: 99,13%. “This type of user evaluation demonstrates that we are aligned with the quality philosophy that we have at our University and it could not be different here”. Unicamp's engagement, he said, was decisive in this process. “We want HRP to get better and better,” concluded Knobel.

For the executive director of the Health Area (DEAS) at Unicamp, professor Manoel Barros Bertolo, responsible for the hospitals and AMES linked to Unicamp, the institution's results endorse the University's quality policy and responsibility towards the State and society. “The basis of a structure focused on quality is people, and the commitment and dedication of these professionals was crucial to today’s achievements”, he celebrates.

The management of DEAS has been coordinating with the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba, the presence of teachers, students and residents at the hospital. “It will be an additional field of quality medical teaching and practice for our students and doctors”, highlighted Cláudio Coy, associate director of FCM. General surgery and orthopedics interns are already present at HRP.

TRIBUTE – Another anxiety of employees present at the ceremony was regarding the choice of the institution’s logo. Pedro Pontim explained that it was decided that the ideas would come from the collaborators who chose three arts for the final vote, won by radiologist Alan Felipe Lopes. In the art of the winning logo, the doctor worked with the city's colors - blue, yellow and red - the hospital's initials and a local characteristic, in this case a fish.

The ceremony continued with tributes to supporters and collaborators. The first tribute went to Flávia de Sá, coordinator of the Municipality's Emergency Department, Dr Flávia de Sá. Then the recognition went to the 1st placed in the HRP selection process, Mateus Otavio de Souza (Administrative Area), to the 1st nursing professional hired, Joice Luana da Silva and finally, the doctors' representative chosen was the infectious disease doctor Sidney Filho.

The celebrations continued with the unveiling of the official logo at the outpatient reception, where cardiologist Willian Cirillo represented the rector of Unicamp. The “Employee Space” room, located on the ground floor of the hospital, was also handed over. 



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In its first year of operation, the unit exceeded targets for consultations, exams and procedures | Photo: Caius Lucilius


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