“Unicamp experienced a historic day today.” The assessment was made by rector Marcelo Knobel at the end of the 160th ordinary session of the University Council (Consu), held this Tuesday (26). During the meeting, important agendas for the functioning of the University were approved, including the amendment of points in the Statute and General Regulations, a long-standing aspiration of the university community. “It was a very productive meeting, in which the debates took place in an atmosphere of absolute respect”, added Knobel.
The changes made to the Statute and General Regulations are related to the Disciplinary Regime, a rule that establishes the rights and duties of teachers, technical-administrative employees and students. The initiative, according to the general coordinator of the University, Professor Teresa Atvars, adapts internal precepts to current legislation and simplifies the processing of processes by reducing bureaucracy in methodologies. “These are important improvements that ensure the broad right of defense of those potentially involved in disciplinary proceedings”, explained the director.
Another matter approved by Consu was the third and final review of Unicamp's 2018 budget. According to data presented by the Economics and Planning Advisory (Aeplan), the University ended the year with a deficit of R$92,913 million. The amount is significantly lower than the projections made in the two previous reviews, which pointed to deficits of R$272 million and R$240 million, respectively.
The difference between the estimated and realized deficits can be explained, to a large extent, by the actions that the University implemented with the purpose of reducing expenses. One of the initiatives adopted, which generated good results, was the renegotiation of contracts with suppliers and service providers. The discreet recovery in the collection of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) in the period also contributed to the reduction of the deficit. “We closed 2018 in a better situation than projected, but it should be noted that we have not yet reached budget balance. We need to continue working firmly in this direction”, stated rector Marcelo Knobel.
Human Rights
The Consu also approved at this Tuesday's meeting the creation of the Executive Directorate for Human Rights and its respective advisory committees. The decision, in the opinion of rector Marcelo Knobel, puts Unicamp in tune with society's aspirations. Among the missions of the new body, which is linked to the Rector's Office, is the promotion of actions that ensure the appreciation of tolerance, citizenship and inclusion, guaranteeing diversity, plurality and equity among members of the university community.
EThe Human Rights Observatory, the Ethnic-Racial Diversity Advisory Committee, the Policy Advisory Committee to Combat Discrimination Based on Gender and/or Sexuality and Sexual Violence and the Accessibility Advisory Committee are linked to the Human Rights Directorate. “Unicamp has already been developing important actions related to the valorization of human rights, but in a fragmented way. The creation of the Human Rights Directorate represents progress in relation to what has been done. Initiatives like this demonstrate the importance of the social role played by the public university”, declared professor Teresa Atvars.
Consu members also approved the creation of the General Comptroller of Unicamp, whose mission will be to monitor compliance with the University's economic and financial sustainability parameters. The body, as explained by the general coordinator, will have an advisory role. “It is not a question of establishing some kind of internal Court of Auditors. The Controllership will be responsible for monitoring and auditing procedures, with the main objective of offering recommendations that improve the institution’s management”, detailed the director.
According to the proposal accepted by Consu, the structure of the Controllership will be submitted to the board within 180 days. Professor Teresa Atvars said, however, that the body will have a lean composition and be averse to bureaucracy. “The creation of the Controllership is essential for us to advance in relation to the good management practices that we are implementing at the University”, considered rector Marcelo Knobel.