'Unicamp Partners' Program regulates support to the University

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Photo Perri
Dean Marcelo Knobel: “The main idea is to organize and reduce bureaucracy in receiving support"

Rector Marcelo Knobel signed a resolution on February 11th establishing the “Unicamp Partners” program, with the purpose of regulating the University's receipt of support from companies, private entities and individuals. The initiative was communicated by the director to the members of the University Council (Consu), in a meeting held this Tuesday (26). “This type of contribution was already possible, but we considered it necessary to better organize the procedures, in order to facilitate new collaborations”, stated Knobel.

According to the resolution, support can take the form of donations of financial resources and movable or immovable assets or loans of movable and immovable assets. Another possibility is the direct execution of services, construction or renovation of buildings, rooms or laboratories. “In return, supporters will, for example, have their names and brands published on the 'Unicamp Partners' link, which will be published on the University's official website. Furthermore, these partners will also be authorized to publish Unicamp's name and logo on their websites, as a supported institution”, explained professor Cláudia Regina Cavaglieri, head of the Executive Directorate of Administration (DEA).

Initial contact for those interested in contributing to Unicamp will be made via an electronic form, which will be available on DEA website. In the document, the interested party will detail what type of contribution they want to make and the intended counterpart. After that, a process is opened. “In the case of companies, the rule determines that they cannot have a contract with the University or participate in tenders during a certain period”, observed Professor Cláudia.

Photo Perri
The Executive Board of Administration, Cláudia Regina Cavaglieri: partners will have compensation

According to her, in the case of donations of real estate and equipment or carrying out services or renovations in properties occupied by teaching and research bodies or units, the support will have to be approved by the respective congregations. In relation to cash contributions, the resources may either be incorporated into Unicamp's budget or be allocated specifically for a purpose, such as the payment of scholarships related to a research project. “All of this will be explained in detail on the website,” said the DEA head.

Asked if there is any expectation regarding the initial result of the program, rector Marcelo Knobel considered that it is not possible to predict what society's response will be. “The main idea is to organize and reduce bureaucracy in receiving support. Obviously, as the initiative will gain visibility, we hope that more companies and individuals will feel encouraged to collaborate with the University,” he declared.

The donation of financial resources and movable and immovable assets, among others, is provided for both in Unicamp's statutes and in the National Education Guidelines and Base Law. In the case of the University, support has been occurring with some frequency. “We have received donations of financial resources, properties, bibliographic collections, equipment, among others. Our desire is that, with the Unicamp Partners program, the practice takes shape”, reinforced Marcelo Knobel.

More information on DEA website

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Rectory launches Unicamp Partners program


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