Unicamp publishes the 2020 Entrance Exam calendar and other forms of entry

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Entries for the Unicamp Entrance Exam 2020 will start day August 1 and must be done by the day September 6. The value of the registration fee has not yet been defined. The first phase will be carried out on the day 17 November and the second phase will take place on the days January 12th and 13th, 2020. Before the first phase, there will be Specific Skills tests for candidates for Music courses (in September and October). For other courses that require specific tests (Architecture and Urban Planning, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Dance), the Specific Skills tests will take place between January 20th and 24th, 2020.

In a meeting held on April 2, 2019, at the headquarters of Unesp, in São Paulo, those responsible for the Entrance Exams at USP, Unesp, Unicamp, Unifesp, ITA, PUC-SP and PUC-Campinas Mackenzie established the calendar of the main events of the their respective entrance exams, to allow interested candidates to participate in more than one selection process.

Fee exemptions

The Unicamp Permanent Entrance Exam Committee (Comvest) is already receiving requests for registration fee exemption, which will be valid for both the Unicamp 2020 Vestibular and the Enem-Unicamp 2020 modality. Exemption requests must be made exclusively online, on the page of Comvest, until the day May 6. Starting this year, the sending documentation required (described in the Notice) is also done online.

Unicamp 2020 Entrance Exam Calendar

Registration and payment of the Registration Fee

1/8 a 6/9/2019

Music Specific Skills Tests

Stage I – 09 to 16/9/2019

Stage II – 13 and 14/10/2019

1ª phase


2ª phase

12 and 13 / 1 / 2020

Specific Skills Tests


Publicity of the first call


Registration (non-face-to-face) of the first call


Other forms of entry

In addition to the traditional entrance exam, there are other ways of entering Unicamp's undergraduate courses, such as the Enem-Unicamp modality, the Olympic Vacancies modality and the Indigenous Entrance Exam. Furthermore, in the Unicamp Vestibular and Enem, there are quotas for self-declared black and brown students. The respective notices will be released soon by Comvest and the registration dates are indicated below:

Indigenous Entrance Exam

Registration: 02 to 30/9/2019


Enem-Unicamp modality

Registration: 15/10 to 14/11/2019


Olympic vacancies

Registration: 21/11/2019 to 10/1/2020


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Unicamp Entrance Exam 2020


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium