Entrance exam will offer a workshop on the writing test

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The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) will open tomorrow, April 26 Day, the registration period for the workshop “Writing in the Unicamp Vestibular”, about the characteristics of the test applied by the University. The workshop is intended for professors of Portuguese/Writing for elementary, secondary and prep courses, and graduation student (Languages, Linguistics and Literary Studies) and graduate (Languages ​​and Linguistics). Interested parties must register exclusively online, at www.comvest.unicamp.br, until 17pm on May 3. 500 places will be offered, filled in order of registration. The workshop will be held on the day June 8 (Saturday) from 9 am to 17 pm, on the Unicamp campus, in Campinas.

Teachers from private, public and prep courses, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students, all linked to the language area, can register. At the time of registration you will be It is necessary to attach a supporting document. registration fee it is 60 reais for students and teachers in public schools and popular courses; and 120 reais for private school teachers. The registration fee will be waived for the first 20 teachers of popular courses registered.

Holding the workshop reflects Comvest's concern in publicizing the characteristics of its test to the external community, due to the importance of Writing in its exam. The Writing test applied in the Unicamp Entrance Exam will be presented to participants, who will also be able to learn about the correction criteria and procedures. The workshop is an opportunity for teachers to understand the test format and be able to better prepare their students for the Unicamp Entrance Exam.

The Writing Workshop is no longer linked to the process of selecting test correctors.

Information about the event can be obtained through the following contacts: Oficina@comvest.unicamp.br and (19) 3521-1784.

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Audio description: In a classroom, with windows in the background, a group of students sitting during an entrance exam. Press enter to access


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