Unicamp de Portas Abertas will have more than 720 visiting schools

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Students look into microscope
Visitors to the latest edition of UPA

Registration for educational institutions at the annual Open Doors Unicamp event, UPA 2019, has closed. There were 721 registrations from schools across Brazil, totaling 43.270 future visitors. This year, the UPA will be on May 25th, Saturday, from 9 am to 17 pm. The state of São Paulo is traditionally the champion of visits with 637 registered schools. Next comes Minas Gerais, with 66 schools. There are educational institutions in several other states including Tocantins, Bahia or Santa Catarina.

The UPA website was redesigned with updated programming and also new videos that show the University's teaching, research and extension units (see here). The UPA app can also be downloaded from online stores with a range of information about the event. It will allow participants to trace travel routes to a desired point, using Google maps technology as a basis.

There will be changes to the boarding and disembarking of more than 1200 buses and vans, which are yet to be announced. In addition to the available parking, UPA 2019 will have three food courts with a variety of offerings and affordable prices. In the same way as this year's freshmen reception, UPA 2019 activities will be, in some way, related to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Students not registered by the school and who are interested can still visit the UPA accompanied by a responsible adult. In this case, simply be at Unicamp on the day of the event.

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Visitors organize themselves into groups at the UPA arrivals area


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium