Not only learning about the courses offered by Unicamp makes up the UPA 2019 program. Two events aimed to help visitors interested in learning more about how to develop an essay acceptable to the examination boards of both entrance exams and Enem. At the Institute of Language Studies (IEL), the book Vestibular Unicamp - Redações 2019 was launched, which deals with the selection of the 30 best essays from the University's last entrance exam, published by Editora da Unicamp. At the Faculty of Education (FE), the Enem Writing Workshop brought tips and case studies to achieve a thousand marks on the topics proposed by the Exam.
Higor Mendes Garcia was one of the first visitors to purchase the book at the Editora's stand at IEL and was in line to get the authors' autograph. “It will be a reference for me and I will use it to understand how the best essays were developed.” A third-year student of the Administration Technician at the Technical Institute of Barueri, Garcia will debut this year in the entrance exam marathon to compete for a place at Unicamp, in Civil Engineering or at USP, in Accounting Sciences.
One of the authors of the 30 best essays in the 2019 Entrance Exam is Lídia Nara Gomes. “I was sincere when writing. For me, it was not just a writing topic, but what I think and defend in my life”, said the freshman Medicine student at Unicamp, referring to the topic of Human Rights. His essay chosen to compose the book was about a petition by high school students that requested the school management to take a stand against a teacher accused of indoctrination. “I have always been attracted to the topic of Human Rights and I believe that it is necessary to think about and defend this cause”, she emphasizes.
Jairo Andrade is a lawyer in the field of Labor Law and decided to return to university to study Environmental Engineering and, thus, improve his professional performance. “I believe that the newsroom was a space to defend freedom of expression and what I did was use the proposed texts and follow the criteria required by the panel”, highlighted Andrade. Unfortunately, he had to cancel his registration due to the distance between Barra Bonita, his hometown, and Limeira. However, the lawyer maintains a social project aimed at providing writing workshops for high school students from public schools, which, according to him, has helped many to develop arguments in texts.
This is not the time to innovate – Professor Leandro Thomaz de Almeida is currently a visiting specialist professor on the Pedagogy course at Unicamp. At UPA 2019, he brought some important tips for those who want to write a good essay on Enem. The Writing Workshop is part of its activities at the Faculty of Education and showed students that writing should not be a time to innovate. “What is expected is that the candidate responds to what is asked,” he emphasized.
A first tip is to carefully read the statement. A fundamental aspect to understand the proposal and the requirements of the examining board. “In a quick and hurried reading, you cannot realize that there are at least eight requirements to develop the text”, explains the teacher.
Secondly, attention should be paid to the collection of supporting texts. Newsrooms do not necessarily need to be restricted to texts. The construction of arguments must have cultural references, from renowned authors, in short, a repertoire acquired by the candidate throughout his student career.
Tips from Professor Leandro
- Careful and careful reading of the statement;
- Take care to do what the examining board asks;
- This is not the time to do something different or attract attention;
- Do not only use supporting texts to develop reasoning;
- Develop the text based on personal knowledge;
- Read the Enem Notice about the expectations of the brokerage firm;
- Do not include identification such as your name or make drawings on the test.