Unicamp allocates two undergraduate places to History Olympiad medalists

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Final ceremony of the 10th ONHB held in August 2018 at Unicamp
Final ceremony of the 10th ONHB held in August 2018 at Unicamp  

Gold and silver medalists from the 11th National Olympiad in History of Brazil (ONHB) will be able to compete for two places in the undergraduate course in History at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). The opportunity is a decision by the University Council (Consu) in partnership with the coordination of ONHB and is part of the “Olympic Vacancies” notice, implemented in an unprecedented way in 2018 with the aim of expanding access to the university. Students must declare interest by June 17th for the e-mail.

The test to compete for a place at the university will be held during the ONHB final, which takes place on the weekend of August 17th and 18th, in Campinas-SP. On Saturday morning, the finalist teams will perform the competition test as scheduled. Those interested in applying for a place at the university will also take an “Additional Individual In-person Test” in the afternoon with content on Brazilian History in interface with general History.

On Sunday, all teams will participate in the awards ceremony with the announcement of the Olympic medalists. The test score to apply for a place at the University will be informed in a certificate issued by the ONHB organization until October 31st. This document must be presented by the student who has received a gold or silver medal when the notice is opened by the Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams at Unicamp (Comvest).

Group participating in the 10th ONHB held last August at Unicamp
Group participating in the 10th ONHB held last August at Unicamp

To participate, interested parties must be enrolled in the 2nd or 3rd year of high school. They must also have participated in the ONHB in all stages with the same team, so students who joined the group after the start of the first phase, on May 6th, will not be able to join the notice.

For the ONHB coordinator, Cristina Meneguello, this is an opportunity to value the participants of the Olympics. “We consider this an important initiative to democratize access to public universities, valuing an activity, like the Olympics, to which students and professors dedicate entire weeks,” she stated. Unicamp's “Olympic Vacancies” notice already provides for the availability of 90 vacancies for various school Olympics.

About the History Olympiad

The History Olympiad began on May 6th with 73 thousand participants from all Brazilian states. The competition involves six online phases lasting one week each, in addition to the in-person final. The ONHB is carried out by teams made up of a History teacher in addition to three students from the 8th and 9th years of Elementary School and all years of High School.

The project has support from MCTIC (Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications) and CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and is developed by the Department of History through the participation of teachers, postgraduate and undergraduate students .

More information:

click here for the regulations on the History Olympiad website

Click here and access the Comvest notice

Deadline to declare interest: until 17/06/2019 at e-mail

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Unicamp allocates two undergraduate places to History Olympiad medalists


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