Automatic migration in the Paepe career follows existing legislation

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The process of automatic migration of PAEPE Career servers, carried out last March, meant that a portion of Unicamp employees were classified according to the segment of origin, or entry to the University, and not according to their salary reference. This migration was particularly noticed by employees who joined the fundamental or medium segment and who considered themselves to have advanced to another segment along the way. “What we are trying to do now is adapt the career to existing legislation. At the end of last year, Unicamp approved a career with segments, which had disappeared in 2011 and had to be reintroduced due to a legal obligation”, explains the pro-rector of University Development, Francisco de Assis Magalhães Gomes Neto, known by the community academic as Professor Chico.

Professor Chico gives an interview in his office. He is sitting and has a computer in front of him
Professor Chico explains migration in the Paepe career

Article 37 of the Federal Constitution establishes the mandatory public examination for those holding a public position or job, including in cases of re-entry into a new role in the same public entity. This means that the role of the server cannot be changed throughout their functional life, according to information from the General Directorate of Human Resources (DGRH) and the Attorney General's Office (PG). “In 2011, when a new CAD deliberation came into effect, the segments were diluted and the career became based on the concept of levels of complexity. There was no progression limitation. Therefore, employees in the fundamental and secondary segments were promoted to salary levels equivalent to those in subsequent segments. However, its referential function continued to be that of admission, which was not changed in the DGRH systems, as determined by law”, states the dean.

According to professor Chico, Unicamp recognizes people's efforts to complement their education by taking a higher education, secondary or professional course, but, legally, this cannot be recognized as a guarantee of changing the segment. “Investment in one’s career can be used as relevant information for the employee’s promotion. In the second semester there will be a progression process and it is possible that some of the designated committees judge that the courses taken by an employee, with the aim of obtaining better performance in the area in which they work, deserve to be highlighted in the promotion process”.

The new structure of the PAEPE Career was described in Deliberation CAD-A-09/2018, published at the end of 2018. The document and its annexes provide for three salary levels for the fundamental segment, four levels for the intermediate segment and five levels for the segment higher. “Unfortunately, those employees who are at the bottom of their segment or are in extinction will not be able to advance in their careers. However, as the number of people at these high levels is small, the vast majority of the approximately 7 thousand employees will be able to request progression in 2019. It is necessary to recognize that, despite the Brazilian economic scenario inspiring caution, the University has been making a great effort to provide this salary increase to its employees”, says Chico.

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Professor Chico is sitting in front of a laptop in his office


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium