“There is no prospect of the future without strong science”

Dean Marcelo Knobel received this Monday (22) the José Reis Award in the "Researcher and Writer" category, in its 39th edition. 91 applications were received from researchers and writers from all regions of the country. When Knobel was chosen, the judging panel highlighted "the scope and diversity of his scientific dissemination work, including the uniqueness of his personal training activities in this area". In a video released by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Knobel thanks him for the award and highlights the importance of science for the country's social and economic development.

The commission was formed by professors Isaltina Maria de Azevedo Mello Gomes (UFPE), Hélida Ferreira da Cunha (UEG), Maria Ataide Malcher (UFPA), Algo José Gorgatti Zarbin (UFPR), Mariluce Moura (UFBA) and Rui Seabra Ferreira Junior ( UNESP).

Established in 1978, the Award is a tribute to the doctor, researcher, journalist and educator José Reis, who played a major role in strengthening scientific dissemination in Brazil, being one of the founders of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) and his magazine "Ciência e Cultura" and maintained, for 55 years, a column in the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo.

Annually, a name is chosen in one of the three categories, which alternate - "Journalist in Science and Technology", "Institution and Communication Vehicle" and "Researcher and Writer" - that has significantly contributed to the formation of a culture science and for making Science, Technology and Innovation known to society.

The choice is made by a Judging Committee, designated by the President of CNPq, composed of six members, 3 of their own choosing and 3 nominated by the following entities: Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors - ABEC, Brazilian Association of Scientific Journalism - ABJC and Society Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science - SBPC.

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Marcelo Knobel, rector of Unicamp


Internal Community

Delegation learned about research carried out at Unicamp and expressed interest in international cooperation

The show class with chef and gastrologist Tibério Gil on the role of nutrition and gastronomy in contemporary women's health, this Thursday (7), opened the program that runs until Friday (8)


According to Maria Luiza Moretti, despite the progress seen in recent years, the occupation of command positions is still unequal between men and women

There will be four years of partnership, with six places offered each year in the first two periods; the offer increases to nine beneficiaries in the following two years

The publications are divided in a didactic manner into the themes General Women's Health, Reproductive Health, Obstetric Health and Adolescent Women's Health

Culture & Society

For rector Antonio Meirelles, a political commitment in favor of the solution is necessary and the Brazil can play an extremely important role in global environmental solutions 


Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium