Unicamp professor emeritus Maurício Knobel (1923-2008) will be honored with the title of Honorary Post-Mortem Professor by the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), in a ceremony to be held this Thursday (8/8). Unicamp rector Marcelo Knobel will participate in the posthumous tribute to his father at the UBA facilities, in the Argentine capital.
The title to be granted to the doctor and psychiatrist, equivalent to Professor Emeritus, adds to countless other awards and honors received throughout his academic career. He published more than 300 scientific works, in addition to having written 52 book chapters and 12 books in his area of expertise, including Adolescence and Family (1971), Adolescence and the Current Family (1981) and Family Guidance (1992). In 2006, the psychiatrist donated 1.370 titles from his personal collection to the Special Collections Area of Unicamp's Cesar Lattes Central Library.
Born in Argentina, Maurício Knobel became a naturalized Brazilian citizen in 1985. His training was in medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Buenos Aires. He completed a specialization in child psychiatry at the North American Association of Psychiatric Clinics for children and a residency in psychiatry at the Greater Kansas City Mental Foundation, both in the United States. Back in Argentina, he won the position of full professor and director of the Institute of Psychology at the National University of La Plata. At the National University of Buenos Aires he was a full professor at the Institute of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.
At the invitation of the then dean Zeferino Vaz, Maurício Knobel arrived at Unicamp in 1976 to head the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry at the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM). At the Department, he structured teaching teams, wards and opened the way for the development of research. He taught at FCM for 16 years, supervising hundreds of theses. In 1992, he retired at the age of 70 and, in 1993, the University Council (Consu) of Unicamp granted the doctor and psychiatrist the title of professor emeritus. Maurício Knobel passed away in January 2008 at the age of 84. He was married to psychologist and researcher Clara Knobel and had four children, Roxana, Hernando, Joseph and Marcelo.
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