Universities in danger

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We are celebrating the occurrence of a relevant fact in the history of the scientific, technological and cultural development of the State of São Paulo – The Financial Autonomy of São Paulo Public Universities.

Looking back, we can evaluate the correctness of that decision, due to the salutary effect it produced within the Universities of São Paulo.

Thirty years later, despite having made some mistakes that could have been avoided, we did our part with dedication and competence. All performance indices, academic (increase in the number of vacancies and graduates, increase in the number of students per teacher, increase in the number of master's degrees and doctorates supervised per year), scientific (increase in the number of scientific articles published, increase in the number of projects and services of interest to companies and the community in general) and administrative (financing of highly complex hospitals and payment of the salaries of all retired employees and pensioners, through its own budgetary resources) of UNESP, UNICAMP and USP improved significantly.

But looking to the future, we have to conclude that everything we have built is in danger. Unless urgent action is taken by the government of São Paulo, universities in São Paulo will lose the attributes of excellence they achieved, with the competent and dedicated exercise of autonomy, granted by the government of the State of São Paulo in 1989.

 A judge enters his career as a Substitute Judge, with a starting salary of R$28.883,97, through a public examination. As a requirement, he must have at least three years of graduation. For comparison purposes, a teacher enters the Higher Education career at one of the public universities in São Paulo, with a starting salary of R$11.069,37, also through a public examination. However, they are required to have a minimum doctorate degree, generally obtained at least five years after completing their degree, as their formal studies are only necessarily completed with the public defense of an unpublished and original thesis, in its area of ​​activity. Is a difference of this magnitude in salaries appropriate, given the minimum requirement for professional training and the recognized strategic importance of Education for the development of a nation?

The current situation with regard to professional recognition within their respective careers is even worse. All judges are currently subject to the salary cap of R$35.462,22, corresponding to the salary of a Judge, the last level of the career. Meanwhile, as the São Paulo State Court of Auditors wishes, all professors at public universities in the state must be subject to the salary cap of R$23.048,59, which is the governor's current subsidy. Despite a final and unappealable decision handed down by the Court of Justice, which does not support this understanding, USP was recently forced to impose this ceiling on all its employees. Is it appropriate for a full professor, the last level of the higher education career, to be subject to a ceiling so lower than that of a Judge, the last level of the legal career? Is this the relative importance that both should have in a society that strives for competence and merit?

This situation, which has lasted five years, if it lasts any longer, will have the consequence of destroying the career of Higher Education. This inadequate salary profile, especially at the end of a career, will no longer contribute to improving the academic-scientific performance of our Universities. 

At this time of celebrating the autonomy of the Public Universities of São Paulo, the governor has the possibility of ensuring the future of these institutions, by supporting the adoption of Constitutional Amendment 47/2005, in such a way as to establish the salary ceiling in the state, equal to the salary of Judge. If he does so, urgently, he will recognize the importance of universities in the list of institutions that are decisive for the development of education, science and culture in our country. 

Campinas, August 13, 2019.
Proposal by Professors José C. Geromel and Léo P. Magalhães

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USP, Unicamp and Unesp


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium