The rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, was at the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo (Alesp) on Wednesday, 21st, to present to the Science, Technology, Innovation and Information Commission the project to create an International Hub for Sustainable Development (HIDS). The presentation was made at the invitation of the president of this committee, deputy Sergio Victor (NOVO).
The rector began his presentation by telling the members of the Commission that the HIDS project originates from the acquisition of Fazenda Argentina, an area with 1,4 million square meters, adjacent to the University campus, in the District of Barão Geraldo, in Campinas. “We could simply occupy the area with buildings, with new teaching units, but we have the possibility of creating something different, new. We thought of something that explored this scenario we live in, of strong growth and dissemination of a series of disruptive technologies, such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT),” he said.
According to the director, HIDS is being imagined as a structure integrated in a harmonious way with the Unicamp campuses and the city of Campinas, capable of attracting research centers from companies and universities in Brazil and abroad, whose activities are strongly integrated. the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “We see this project strongly integrated into the program that created 11 economic development hubs, launched by the São Paulo State Government in May of this year”, he added.
Born at Unicamp, the HIDS project aroused the interest of other institutions and gained institutional partners such as PUC-Campinas, the City of Campinas, the National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), CPqD, the Research and Development of Cargill and the Banco Santander Data Processing Center, all present in the surroundings of Fazenda Argentina, totaling a total area of more than 11 million square meters. “One of the main challenges for consolidating the project is establishing a new legal model that makes partnerships between all these institutions and others that want to establish themselves there viable, something that is not trivial”, recalled Knobel. “We want to create something like a 'knowledge free zone', an idea brought by a student from PUC-Campinas, a territory with a governance model that stimulates the production of knowledge and the creation of a living laboratory of solutions to the challenges of establishing sustainable development”, he highlighted. “This strongly depends on a new legal model in terms of legislation, which will obviously have to pass through this Assembly”, he added.
The Unicamp rector highlighted some principles that could be present in the HIDS occupation model, such as mixed land use, industrial symbiosis, effluent treatment, zero net carbon emissions, zero waste based on life cycle analysis, waste recycling and reuse program, all aligned with the SDGs. “We are aware of the boldness of the project, but we are excited about the possibilities that are opening up through dialogues with the Government of the State of São Paulo, the City of Campinas, companies and private owners. The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a non-refundable resource of US$ 1 million to prepare a master plan for the entire area”, said Knobel. According to him, the next steps include the formalization of a HIDS Founding Council that will have as members institutions present in the territory and also companies such as CPFL and Sanasa.
Representative Beth Sahão (PT) praised the HIDS initiative, especially on the issue of zero waste, according to her, a principle that has been adopted in important cities around the world. She recalled, however, the importance of maintaining transparency in partnership models with companies. “The university needs to integrate more with society and better communicate the knowledge produced,” she said. Knobel said that, in fact, universities have difficulty communicating their results, but that this has been a constant effort by Unicamp. Regarding partnerships with companies, he highlighted that all agreements, contracts and partnerships with companies are premised on the autonomy and freedom of the researcher to conduct their studies.
Representative Marina Helou (Sustainability Network) agreed with the idea that HIDS can be an international model for a sustainable district. “I am a HUB enthusiast and I make my mandate available to help with the institutionalization of HIDS, a project that must be considered as a priority by the State of São Paulo”, stated Helou. In the same vein, deputy Professor Kenny (PV), stated that the idea of creating a knowledge free zone is very positive and suggested that members of the Science, Technology, Innovation and Information Committee present a project with a draft law to enable the governance model for HIDS. “The project has a highly innovative profile that could have repercussions throughout the country”, he pointed out.
Closing the session, deputy Sergio Victor, recalled that Unicamp is already a reference in the country when it comes to university-company relations. He proposed the creation of a subcommittee made up of deputies, experts from the university and the private sector to design legal paths to make the Hub viable. The deputy also suggested approaching the Public Ministry to move this matter forward. “HIDS can help to alleviate this gap between the university and the population, generating more integration with society as a whole”, he concluded.
Economic development hubs - In May, the Government of the State of São Paulo, through the Secretariat of Economic Development, launched a program that created 11 economic development hubs in the State. The hubs are concentrated in specific industrial sectors such as health and pharmaceuticals, metalworking, machinery and equipment, automotive, etc., which will have public policies to boost productivity and competitiveness. The city of Campinas appears in five of the 11 hubs: agritech; food and drinks; automotive; chemical, rubber and plastic and health.