Unicamp Professionals Symposium emphasizes excellence in public management

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The Unicamp Professionals Symposium, which reached its seventh edition in 2019, had the essence of a scientific event organized by university professionals. Through different formats – poster, oral presentations, “presentation in 1 minute”, the aim was to share actions and projects from all fields of Unicamp, in several segments. The presence of nationally renowned guests at conferences and round tables aimed to update knowledge in public management and the like. The cultural program was also part of the Symposium and valued the university's talents and moments of integration.

Simtec is an institutional space that allows the presentation of projects developed by employees in the areas of teaching, research, extension and management. In this edition, 300 works were approved for presentation and 818 participants registered for activities over the four days of the event. By September 11th, the closing date, posts on Facebook had reached 25 views. The Simtec application, unprecedented in the history of the symposium, was used for accreditation and registration of attendance at the lectures. In total, there were 642 downloads. A team from the Computing Center also participated in supporting employees who opted for the conventional way of confirming their presence at the lectures.

According to Mônica Rovigati, general coordinator of Simtec, the motto “excellence in public management” was aligned with the strategic objectives of Planes 2016-2020. “UNICAMP professionals, in their different areas of activity, were able to publicize initiatives applied in their work environments and expand training opportunities through other activities offered.” The official opening of the event, on the afternoon of September 9th, was attended by several authorities. Teresa Atvars, General Coordinator of Unicamp, while traveling, recorded a video welcoming the participants. The introductory conference was given by the professor at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA), Milena Serafim. “A big challenge we have is getting public servants to participate more in strategic management actions, ensuring continuity of improvements and application of knowledge”, warned Milena, who is also a teaching advisor at CGU.

Opening table for the seventh edition of Simtec
Opening table for the seventh edition of Simtec

Also on Monday, the 9th, Joelson Vellozo Jr, Director of the Public Services User Experience Department of the Ministry of Economy, and Mozart Neves Ramos, director of Articulation and Innovation at the Ayrton Senna Institute, spoke with participants about professional training, greater connection between university and society and digitalization of processes in public administration. On September 10th, in addition to poster presentations at the Multidisciplinary Gym, professionals attended round tables. In the morning, the theme "Innovation, Sustainability and Transparency” was led by  Rodrigo Fontenelle, from the General Comptroller of Minas Gerais, Carlos Frederico Distéfano Pinto, from the Vale Oncology Institute and Aron Belinky - ABC Associates. In the afternoon, Neri de Barros Almeida, Executive Director of Human Rights at Unicamp, and Fernando Meloni de Oliveira, Planning and Budget coordinator at the São Paulo Finance and Planning Secretariat, gave a broader view of how diversity appears on campus and how employees can become more engaged in actions linked to respect and a culture of peace. The table "People in strategic management" addressed the balance between people, processes and technology, through the professor's presentations Li Li Min, from the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), Gilberto Tadeu Shinyashiki, professor at the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting – USP and Cláudio Chauke Nehme, director of Gartner do Brasil S/C. All lectures had interaction with the public, who participated with questions and comments.

Employees observe the panels with the works presented at the symposium
Employees observe the panels with the works presented at the symposium

The last day of Simtec focused on paying tribute to professionals who made history at the university. After the oral presentations of works, simultaneously in the three auditoriums of the Convention Center, a talk show provided the public with reports from retired professionals. It was time to learn more about the trajectories of Antonio Félix Duarte, “Toninho”, who worked in the Budget Planning and Budget Planning Advisory Groups, AEPLAN; Antônio Augusto de Godoy von Zuben, “Totó”, microelectronics process physicist at the Devices Research Laboratory of the Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics (IFGW) and Maria Rosa Ceccato Colombrini, director of the Medical-Surgical Nursing Service at Hospital de Clínicas ( HC) until last year, when he retired. Subsequently, the three Unicamp employees with over 50 years – Roberto Orlando (Central Library/SBU), Humberto Olivieri (GGBS) and André Goulart (FCM) – were also honored by the organizing committee.

Team at reception for Simtec participants
Team at reception for Simtec participants

The closing lecture, with a packed auditorium, was given by Rossandro Klinjey, writer and consultant for the global program "Encontro com Fátima Bernardes". In a final comment, Monica stated that the event was also “a learning opportunity and can be improved in future editions, always with institutional support”. Marcelo Knobel, Rector of Unicamp, who followed various activities over the four days, also participated in the closing of the symposium and thanked the organizing committee and congressmen. “The multi-tasking team made up of several generations was responsible for such a productive event. The quality of the work presented has everything to do with the excellence of a public university like Unicamp”, he concluded.

Chefs at Unicamp brings together employees, families and the community

In its second edition, “Chefs na Unicamp” returned to Praça do Ciclo Básico with 13 guest chefs and famous dishes from its restaurants at popular prices. The event, which opened Simtec, involved the entire community around the Symposium. Musical performances by the university's own talents, children's theater group and partnership with workshops at the Exploratory Science Museum provided a leisurely Sunday for all participating families. A stand to receive book donations was also set up in the square.

Watch the special report on Simtec, produced by TV Unicamp



See how the Symposium went in full:

September 09 youtube.com/watch?v=pZ6F5tjlxzo

September 10th - Part 1 youtube.com/watch?v=km58wntB3so

September 10th - Part 2 youtube.com/watch?v=l_1UZ1hHqp8

September 10th - Part 3 youtube.com/watch?v=pnmZl5Ndv80

September 11th - Part 1 youtube.com/watch?v=GgqbWA0_gE8&t=174s

September 11th - Part 2 youtube.com/watch?v=2P0W-leUt9U&t=8s

Over the months of organization, communication actions by the VII Simtec organizing team focused on producing content that tells a little about the stories of professionals from different areas at Unicamp and how they relate to the event. Access the playlist of videos produced by the Culture and Communication Committee: bit.do/playlistsimtec

** Read more about the opening of VII Simtec: http://bit.do/abresimtec

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Opening table for the seventh edition of Simtec


Internal Community

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Culture & Society

For rector Antonio Meirelles, a political commitment in favor of the solution is necessary and the Brazil can play an extremely important role in global environmental solutions 


Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium