Unicamp is the 2nd best university in the country in Folha's ranking

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Unicamp ranked 2nd in the 2019 edition of Folha's University Ranking (CALL), behind only the University of São Paulo (USP) in 1st place. The university's ranking advanced 2 positions compared to last year. In 2018, she came in 4th place. On a scale of 0 to 100 points, Unicamp obtained a final score of 97,09. In the aspects evaluated, the university came in 2nd place in teaching (31,39 points), in research (41,34) and in innovation (3,64); 9th place in internationalization (3,56) and 10th in the market (17,16). 

The rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, assesses that the result is positive for the university. However, he comments that it is necessary to view them carefully, as they do not reflect all the work carried out by universities. "The important thing is recognition, being there in the first places. But always with a critical eye towards the rankings, which cannot show in just one place, in one number, the diversity of actions that public universities in general do. So, always taking care to have that critical eye, we are happy to be among the first places", ponders Knobel.

Computing, History and Automation in 1st place

Of the 27 Unicamp courses evaluated in the RUF, three achieved 1st place in the ranking. Are they computation, History e Control and Automation Engineering. In addition to these, 13 courses achieved 2nd place in the evaluation (Biology, Economics, Physical Education, Literature, Physics, Mathematics, Medicine, Dentistry, Chemistry and Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering) and another five came in 3rd place in the ranking (Nursing , Environmental Engineering, Pharmacy, Geography and Nutrition). 

Click here to check the complete evaluation of Unicamp courses. 

São Paulo universities at the top

It is the first time that two São Paulo state universities, USP and Unicamp, appear in the first places in the ranking. The São Paulo State University (Unesp) was in 6th position. In the dean's view, the work of maintaining the visibility of São Paulo's universities must be constant. "Public opinion that knows universities knows the importance of the three public universities in São Paulo and the good placements they have. We see this clearly, for example, in the search for our entrance exam, which is always very large compared to the vacancies that We have it. It helps, but it's not everything. We have to do continuous work to clarify to society what we do", he concludes. 

Understand the assessment

The Folha University Ranking (RUF) was created in 2012 and is today one of the main indexes that evaluate universities in the country. In total, 197 educational institutions are analyzed. To compose the grade, universities are evaluated on: research (numbers of publications and citations, theses defended, resources received by funding agencies and research grants), which corresponds to 42% of the grade; teaching (image of teachers among the public, total number of teachers with master's and doctorate degrees, full and partial dedication and grades in Enade), 32% of the grade; market (image with companies), with 18% of the result; innovation (patents and partnerships with companies), 4% of the grade; and internationalization (international citations and publications), representing 4% of the grade.  

Click here to access the complete ranking.

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History, Control and Automation Engineering and Computing courses achieved 1st place in their rankings


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