In an extraordinary meeting held this Tuesday, the University Council (Consu) of Unicamp previously approved a supplementation of budgetary resources to grant emergency aid to CNPq scholarship holders, if the body is unable to comply with the payment for the months of October and December 2019. The request submitted to Consu by the Budget and Heritage Commission (Cope) is for just over R$4 million.
The approved supplementation is sufficient to provide emergency assistance to a total of 5.730 scholarships: 3.480 for master's and doctorate degrees (each worth R$896, in addition to two transport passes per working day and exemption from food fees) and 2.250 for scientific initiation (R$400). If the need for assistance materializes, the measure will be made official through a resolution from the Rectory, after due consultation with the CNPq regarding the terms to be used without prejudice to the institution or students.
At the extraordinary meeting, other budget supplements were approved, one of them for the Hospital de Clínicas (HC), worth almost R$ 11,5 million for the remainder of the year, in order to offset the rise in hospital costs due to high medical inflation. combined with the non-adjustment of the SUS (Unified Health System) table since 2012. It is also justified that, in 2017 and 2018, the hospital received R$7,3 million per year in parliamentary amendments, compared to just R$4 million this year , further compromising the overall cost of meeting care demand.
A supplement of R$ 750 thousand was also approved for a project to renovate the power cabinets of the Computing Center (CCUEC) in order to meet the expansion process of the National High Performance Processing Center (Cenapad-SP); and another supplement worth R$626 thousand for cleaning drinking water reservoirs at Unicamp, now including the 265 houses in Student Housing.
Unicamp approves emergency aid if students do not receive CNPq scholarships
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