With the aim of expanding knowledge about what is carried out at Unicamp, 22 videos relating to the activities of the University's centers and centers were launched on Tuesday (21). The audiovisual material was an initiative of the Coordination of Interdisciplinary Research Centers and Nuclei at Unicamp (Cocen), and marks the 21 years of the Coordination, celebrated in 2019. The videos were directed by Cocen coordinator, Ana Carolina de Moura Delfim Maciel.
Each video is around one minute long, with didactic and accessible language, which, according to Ana Carolina, makes it possible to disseminate research beyond the university community. “It is not hermetic, academic language, we try to bring the activities of centers and nuclei to a broad audience in the interviewees’ speech”, she observes. For the Cocen coordinator, the idea of making short videos is so that information can circulate widely. “Everyone has a minute to watch, it’s something very fast, very agile and very engaging.”
In addition to scientific dissemination, the objective of the video series is also integration between the 21 centers and nuclei, creating opportunities for them to be more connected. “Many colleagues from certain laboratories and centers were unaware of the work of other centers and [based on the videos] were even able to think about partnership projects”, says Ana Carolina.
The Cocen coordinator also highlights the importance of Unicamp's research and projects being made available in different media, including audiovisual media, which is more accessible. “It’s a very relevant return to society when we leave the university walls.” Thus, the interface between the knowledge produced at Unicamp and society becomes clearer. “We have core centers that work, for example, with pharmaceuticals, so the person goes to the pharmacy to buy an analgesic ointment and can discover that it was developed at Unicamp”, she explains.
Unicamp's acting dean, Teresa Atvars, was present at the videos' inauguration ceremony and also highlighted the relevance of creating faster and more efficient communication at the University. “This project is part of the strategy of having forms of communication that reach other audiences, in addition to those with whom we communicate naturally, which are those in the academic environment. We do need to communicate with all segments of society, which is why this project is very important.”
The 21 videos will be available on Cocen channel on Youtube.