On November 4th (Monday), at the Unicamp Convention Center, the meeting Biodiversity is not a problem, it is a solution! will take place, which will bring together six of the most active and experienced researchers in biodiversity, linked to Universities and Institutes of Brazilian research. The event will address one of the most crucial problems: the maintenance and recovery of the foundations of biodiversity in Brazil and the planet as a whole. The initiative is from the BIOTA Program, the Brazilian Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BPBES) and the Executive Directorate for Human Rights at Unicamp.
The professor at the Biology Institute and coordinator from the Brazilian Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Platform (BPBES), Carlos Joly will give the event's opening talk. Joly is also a full member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI). It will be a preliminary presentation on the importance of the topic in the current scenario and, subsequently, Maíra Padgurschi will present the Brazilian Diagnosis on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, based precisely on the BPBES results.
Maíra Padgurschi is a member of the network Ecosystem Services Partnership and Young Ecosystem Services Specialists. Since 2015, she has served as Executive Secretary of BPBES and is a member of its Technical-Scientific Council. Furthermore, he carries out post-doctoral research at the National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA) through the AmazonFACE Program.
Cristiana Seixas will give a lecture entitled “Contributions of nature to the quality of life” within the event program. Specialist in environmental management, with an emphasis on the interface between natural resources and social well-being, Cristiana Seixas is a researcher at the Center for Environmental Studies and Research (Nepam) at Unicamp, co-coordinated the Regional Diagnosis of the Americas of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and is part of the Executive Coordination of BPBES.
In the afternoon, Kayna Agostini, professor at the Federal University of São Carlos (Ufscar), will take stock of the growing pollination crisis in Brazilian agriculture and Renato Crouzeilles will show data on reforestation in Brazil. Vinícius Farjalla, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), will include a fundamental variable in the panorama of Brazilian biodiversity, the issue of water.
The summary for Decision Makers of all diagnoses that will be presented during the meeting is available for download on the BPBES page.
Read article by columnist Luiz Marques about the event published in Jornal da Unicamp
Check the schedule.