Unicamp will apply, next Sunday (1/12), the Indigenous Entrance Examination test for 1.600 students

image editing

The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) will administer, next Sunday, December 1st, the test for the second edition of the University's Indigenous Entrance Exam. The exam will be administered in six cities across the country: Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM). The test will be in Portuguese, consisting of 50 questions multiple choice and a Redaction, in the following way: Languages ​​and codes (14 questions); Natural Sciences (12 questions); Mathematics (12 questions); Human Sciences (12 questions); and an essay. The test will start at 13 hours and should be considered the local time. 1.675 candidates are registered, from different ethnicities and regions of Brazil. Comvest advises candidates to arrive in advance, as access to the test locations will only be allowed until 13 pm, without fail. The duration of the test is five hours

What to take: the original of the identity document indicated in the inscription, black pen on transparent material, black pencil, eraser. The candidate may use a watch to keep track of time, but all watches must be placed on the floor, next to the desk. Water and small food containers should be placed on the floor, next to your desk. The use of cell phones is prohibited or any other electronic equipment, digital watches, concealers of any kind, mechanical pencil, highlighter pen, bandana/scarf, cap, hat, or other foreign proof materials.

Important: os candidates must submit on the day of the test, the original copy of the Declaration of Ethnicity and Link with the Indigenous Community ou a copy, together with the presentation of the original, of the RANI (Administrative Register of Indigenous Birth), according to the Notice that is available on the Comvest website.

They are disqualified Candidates who do not get it right minimum, 10 multiple choice questions and do not obtain, at the very least, five points in the Writing test (out of a total of 25 points).

This year, there was an increase in the number of places offered through this type of entry, from 72 to 96. There was also the insertion of seven new courses. The two cities with the highest number of people registered to take the test are in Amazonas: Tabatinga, with 837 candidates and São Gabriel da Cachoeira, with 513 Subscribers. The city of Tabatinga was included in the Indigenous Entrance Exam this year.

Os most sought after courses are: Nursing (398 registered), Pharmacy (165), Pedagogy (103), Nutrition (95), Administration (88), Physical Education (82), Biological Sciences (55), Public Administration (49), Evening Physical Education ( 47) and Electrical Engineering (46).

Subscribers by city








Bauru-SP *





Campinas, sp





Caruaru-PE *










Manaus-AM **





Recife PE **





São Gabriel da Cachoeira-AM





Tabatinga-AM *











* New cities for the test.
** Cities where the 2020 Indigenous Entrance Examination test will not be administered.

Calendar - Indigenous Entrance Exam 2020


2/09/2019 from 9am

Registration begins by filling out the electronic form available at the address www.comvest.unicamp.br by registering an individual username and password.

From 9am on 9/09/2019 at 18pm on 16/09/2019


Deadline for sending a digital file for the Specific Skills test for the Music course at www.comvest.unicamp.br.


30/09/2019 at 17h

Registration deadline



Call for the Tests and disclosure of the full address of the place where candidates must appear to take them. This information will be available exclusively on the internet, at the address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

01/12/2019 at 13pm (local time)

Application of the Tests in the cities of Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM).

6/01/2020 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 1nd call and waiting list, exclusively at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

From 9am on 07/01/2020 to 17pm on 16/01/2020

Registration of those called in the 1st call (virtual) exclusively at www.comvest.unicamp.br

20/01/2020 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 2nd call, made exclusively at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

From 9am on 21/01/2020 to 17pm on 30/01/2020

Registration of those called in the 2st call (virtual) exclusively in www.comvest.unicamp.br.

3/02/2020 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 3nd call, made exclusively at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

From 9am on 4/02/2020 to 17pm on 13/02/2020

Registration of those called in the 3st call (virtual) exclusively in www.comvest.unicamp.br

17/02/2020 at 18am

Disclosure of those invited to enroll in the 4th call, made exclusively over the internet, at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.


27/02/2020 from 9am to 12pm, in person

Attendance Enrollment of those summoned in ALL previous calls, at Unicamp, in a location to be informed on the page www.comvest.unicamp.br.


28/02/2020 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 5nd call, made exclusively at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

06/03/2020 from 9am to 12pm, in person

Registration of those called up in the 5th call. In-person registration, at Unicamp, in a location to be announced on the page www.comvest.unicamp.br.

cover image
Audio description: montage with two photos, with, in the foreground, a perspective image, from top to bottom and from the bust, a young woman in a classroom sitting at a school desk with her arm, taking a test. She writes on sheets of paper with a ballpoint pen, holding it in her right hand and keeping her head down, looking at the proof. She wears a strappy blouse printed with flowers. The other image, superimposed on a watermark, occupies the entire image and features indigenous geometric features, in the shape of arrows. Image 1 of 1.


Internal Community

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium