Budget proposal for 2020 is approved at Unicamp

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The University Council (Consu) of Unicamp approved, on Tuesday (10), the Budget Distribution Proposal (PDO) for 2020. For next year, R$2,767 billion in expenses are projected, while revenues are estimated at R$2,56 billion. The difference, which covers a deficit of R$75 million for 2020 and R$128 million from previous years, will be covered by the University's strategic reserve. The budget includes an increase of 90 scholarships for student stay and an increase in funds for academic units and support in teaching and research. 

Rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel
The rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, highlights that there was careful work to reduce the deficit and return to and maintain the University's activities

Although the University still has a deficit, the rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel, highlights that the negative balance has been gradually reduced, due to the adoption of cost containment strategies. In 2016, the annual deficit was R$253,9 million. In 2017, it was R$209 million. In 2018, it fell to R$92 million and, this year, it is estimated at R$93 million. Renegotiation of contracts, linear cuts in bonuses and changes in work processes were some of the measures adopted to face the financial squeeze without affecting the functioning of the University's activities.

“We had a worrying situation, but we managed to manage it. At the same time as we contained expenses, we tried not to stop activities. We maintained hiring, we resumed progressions, all bodies and research are functioning normally, no subject was left without a teacher. Very careful work was done to maintain reserves and, at the same time, think about recovery for the future”, points out Knobel. 

The rector also highlights that the 2020 PDO was formulated with caution, as the budget estimate is linked to national and state economic performance. Furthermore, even with a margin of projected increase in the collection of the Tax on Operations relating to the Circulation of Goods and on Provisions of Interstate and Intermunicipal Transport and Communication Services (ICMS), a tax of which universities in São Paulo receive a share from the state , being its main source of financing, it is not yet possible to accurately confirm the estimate. 

Rector of Unicamp, Marcelo Knobel
Knobel assesses that the national and state economic scenario, in addition to projections of tax changes, impact universities' budgetary perspectives

Another factor taken into account is that the Budget Law Project for the state of São Paulo is still being processed in the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo (Alesp), and an ICMS installment program, aimed at those who have debts, is underway in the government, which may change the revenue forecast. Looking even further ahead, with a tax reform on the agenda in the National Congress, the budgetary challenges for the future could be even greater. 

“The main concern is the possibility of a tax change that would end the ICMS and that, therefore, would make us have to renegotiate the entire pact made between the three universities [Unicamp, USP and Unesp] and the state of São Paulo”, he says the dean. 

The year 2020 will also be the first year in which the Kandir Law compensation is not calculated in the budget matrix, since the federal government has ended the transfers in 2019 revenue. In this way, approximately R$10 million are lost - already suppressed in 2019 and contingent in 2018. The issue of the Kandir Law, which determines compensation for exporting states due to exemptions granted to companies that set up shop in these regions, is a reason for an impasse in the courts, and there has still been no decision on the issue. 

Budget axes

The coordinator of Unicamp's Economics and Planning Advisory (Aeplan), Thiago Baldini da Silva, points out that the University's main budgetary expenses are personnel (R$2,2 billion), contracts (R$116 million) and support programs (R$ $88 million). 

Despite the delicate financial situation, he explains that it was possible to increase some areas. One of the changes projected for next year includes an increase in the amount allocated to units, which have not received a budget adjustment for four years. R$1 million will be added, compared to 2019, for this purpose. 

In teaching and research support, there was also an increase of around R$10 million. Regarding support programs, Thiago highlights that there will be an increase in aid within the scope of student assistance. There will be 90 more scholarships: 30 Social Aid; 30 Housing Assistance; 22 Installation Aid and eight grants from the Teaching Support Program. 

Unicamp's PDO also includes the replacement of civil servant vacancies, with the hiring of 57 teachers and 185 administrative technicians.

Thiago Baldini, advisor in the economics and planning area at Unicamp
"The economic situation needs to improve so that we can return to a surplus", observes Thiago Baldini, coordinator of the Economics and Planning Advisory at Unicamp

Even with the advances, the Aeplan advisor emphasizes that it is necessary to be cautious and carry out constant assessments. “Although the strategic reserve provides peace of mind in 2020 for the University, the economic situation needs to improve so that we can once again achieve a financial surplus. What raises concerns is that, although the university's situation is improving every year, we are still not out of the crisis. There is still some risk and we need to see the economy improve, if not take new actions.”

With a more precise scenario at the beginning of 2020, Consu will carry out, as usual, the budget review.

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2020 budget proposal is approved


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