Unicamp publishes list of those approved for the 2020 Indigenous Entrance Exam and waiting list

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The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing today (2/1) the list of those selected in the first call for the 2020 Indigenous Entrance Exam. The list has 95 approved candidates. All those approved in this call must register, exclusively online (www.comvest.unicamp.br), from 9 am on January 7th until 17 pm on January 16th. Comvest is also publishing a waiting list with the names of the next candidates to be
called in the following calls, if there are vacancies available. Up to five calls are planned to fill vacancies. The second call will be announced on January 20th. The remaining calls are listed in the calendar below.

This year, 971 candidates took the Indigenous Entrance Examination test, which was administered in six cities: Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM ).

In-person registration
On February 27th, those enrolled in ALL previous calls for the 2020 Indigenous Entrance Exam must be at Unicamp, to register in person (from 9 am to 12 pm), without delay. The documents required (copies and originals or certified copies) for enrollment are: High School Diploma or Certificate of Completion, or equivalent. Complete high school transcript completed in full in a Brazilian public school system (federal, state, municipal), or in indigenous schools recognized by the public school system. Birth or Marriage Certificate and National Identity Card. Attention: those who did not submit the RANI or Declaration of Ethnicity on the day of the test must bring the document with them when registering, so as not to lose their place.

Subsequently, within a period of up to 30 days, students must, using their username and password, received upon registration, upload the other documents indicated in the Notice to the Academic Management System (Siga).

Unicamp offers different types of aid grants, such as housing grants and social assistance grants, for students who need this help. Interested parties must undergo an assessment by the Student Support Service (SAE), with an interview and delivery of documentation proving their socioeconomic situation. See the list of documents at: http://www.comvest.unicamp.br/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Cartilha-SAE-indigenas.pdf. More information can be obtained by emailing ssocial@sae.unicamp.br.

On February 27th, in addition to registration, there will be a reception for indigenous freshmen and assistance will be provided by social workers from the Student Support Service (SAE). The guideline is for students to provide all documentation in advance. Calendar - Indigenous Entrance Exam 2020

Calendar - Indigenous Entrance Exam 2020

2/09/2019 from 9am

Registration begins by filling out the electronic form available at the address www.comvest.unicamp.br by registering an individual username and password.

From 9am on 9/09/2019 to 18pm on 16/09/2019

Deadline for sending a digital file for the Specific Skills test for the Music course to the address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

30/09/2019 at 17am

Registration deadline


Call for the Tests and disclosure of the full address of the place where candidates must appear to take them. This information will be available exclusively on the internet, at the address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

01/12/2019 at 13pm (local time)

Application of the Tests in the cities of Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM).

6/01/2020 at 18am

Disclosure of those invited to enroll in the 1st call and the waiting list, exclusively in address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

From 9am on 07/01/2020 to 17pm on 16/01/2020

Registration of those called in the 1st call (virtual) exclusively in www.comvest.unicamp.br

20/01/2020 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 2nd call, made exclusively at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

From 9am on 21/01/2020 to 17pm on 30/01/2020

Registration of those called in the 2st call (virtual) exclusively in www.comvest.unicamp.br

3/02/2020 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 3nd call, made exclusively at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

From 9am on 4/02/2020 to 17pm on 13/02/2020

Registration of those called in the 3st call (virtual) exclusively in www.comvest.unicamp.br

17/02/2020 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 4nd call, made exclusively over the internet, at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

27/02/2020 from 9am to 12pm, in person

In-person registration of those called in ALL previous calls, at Unicamp, in a location to be informed on the page www.comvest.unicamp.br.

28/02/2020 at 18am

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 5nd call, made exclusively at address www.comvest.unicamp.br.

06/03/2020 from 9am to 12pm, in person

Registration of those called up in the 5th call. In-person registration, at Unicamp, in a location to be announced on the page www.comvest.unicamp.br.


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Comvest applied the test for the second edition of the University's Indigenous Entrance Exam on December 1st


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