Coronavirus: health sector issues guidance to the internal community

Information Note to the University Community on the CORONAVIRUS (2019-nCoV) epidemic 

The Faculty of Medical Sciences at Unicamp, with the aim of contributing to a better understanding, within the limits of available information and knowledge, informs the University Community of the recommendations regarding the coronavirus epidemic. It is reiterated that Many of the recommendations are permanent (see items 4.i; 4.ii; 4.iii), however, others may be modified as the epidemic progresses and evolves (restrictions on international travel, for example). Therefore, these recommendations are interim, provisional, and in the event of epidemiological changes, they will be reviewed. 

1. On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus epidemic a global public health emergency, which translates into a risk to global health and that each country must develop a plan to combat the coronavirus Epidemic;

2. To date, there is no formal recommendation to restrict international travel. Common sense is advised, weighing the risks and benefits, necessity or obligation of traveling to China;

3. Teachers, employees, researchers and students who are currently in China are recommended to strictly follow the guidelines of local health authorities;

4. General recommendations for reducing exposure and transmission of coronavirus, as well as 
as well as other droplet-transmitted pathogens, include: 

(i) frequent hand hygiene, by rubbing both hands with alcohol gel or washing them with soap and water;

(ii) cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or flex your elbow when coughing or sneezing (discarding immediately and performing hand hygiene) and,

(iii) avoid close contact with anyone who is showing symptoms respiratory symptoms associated with fever and cough. 

5. Members of the University Community who are returning from a trip to China or other affected areas (check updated data at and who have had contact with confirmed cases or have been exposed to potential sources of contamination, must strictly observe the following recommendations:

(i) Preferably, keep a daily temperature record for up to 14 days after leaving the country visited or, if this is not possible, be aware of the appearance of the main symptoms, namely, fever (armpit temperature above 38°C) and cough or difficulty breathing;

(ii) Those who have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing should seek care at the Community Health Center (CECOM -, informing, at the beginning of the service, that they are returning from a trip to China;

(iii) People who returned from an area with sustained transmission of the new coronavirus in China, even if they are symptom-free and need to travel around the University campus, must wear a protective mask for up to 14 days after leaving the visited area;

(iv) Members of the University Community who remain asymptomatic for up to 14 days after leaving the affected areas must be considered out of risk and surveillance for symptoms may be terminated. 

The Information Note will be updated as new information emerges during the evolution of the epidemic. 

Campinas, January 31, 2020. 

Faculty of Medical Sciences State University of Campinas 

Read note in PDF

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Coronavirus: health sector publishes guidelines to the internal community. Photo: Freepik


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