Check out the other calls on the Comvest page 2020 Entrance Exam Calendar
The Permanent Commission for Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest) is publishing the list of candidates em fourth call in the modalities Unicamp 2020 and Enem-Unicamp 2020 entrance exams and 2020 Olympic vacancies. Candidates should consult the lists on the Comvest website ( All those invited to this call must perform their in-person registration, on March 2nd, from 9 am to 15 pm, in the respective fields of its courses: at the Faculty of Dentistry (FOP), Piracicaba campus; at the Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA), Limeira campus; at the Faculty of Technology (FT), Limeira campus; other courses, on the Campinas campus. Registration locations are available in a table on the Comvest page. You documents required for registration are available in the Ticket Manual.
Enrollment in second option
Candidates invited to the course chosen as second option They must register and choose whether or not to wait for a possible place for the first option course (relocation). Second-choice candidates who do not enroll will lose their place (second option), but will continue to compete for the first-option course, and may therefore be called up in the next calls, according to the classification criteria.
During in-person registrations, candidates selected by the ethnic-racial quotas will pass through the Investigating Committee. Validation of the self-declaration presented by candidates opting for ethnic-racial quotas will only occur after the phenotype assessment carried out by the Commission, with enrollment being subject to approval by the Investigating Committee, according to the resolution GR-046/2019.
Declaration of Interest in Vacancies – 5/3 to 6/3
From 9 o'clock in the day March 5 until 17pm on 6th of March (Brasília time), Comvest will receive declarations of interest for vacancies. All candidates who completed the second phase, were not eliminated due to a zero score and were not called up for any of their options, up to and including the 5th call, must express interest in each of the options for which they have not yet been called, if they remain interested in possible vacancies in future calls. Declarations must be made electronically, on the Comvest website. Candidates selected for their second course option must also declare their interest in vacancies.
Candidates who compete in more than one modality should be aware of:
– When called in one of the modalities (first or second option) and enrolling, candidates are excluded from the other selection process;
– Students approved in more than one modality must choose only one of the courses for which they were approved. When choosing a course in one modality and enrolling, the candidate is excluded from other entry modalities;
– If the candidate is invited to a course in one modality, he or she will not be invited to the same course in other modalities, even if he or she has not enrolled.
This year, candidates compete for 2.570 places in 69 undergraduate courses at Unicamp.
Calls and registrations - Admission 2020
Entrance exam, Enem and Olympic vacancies |
1st call (for non-face-to-face registration) |
5/2/2020 |
Non-face-to-face registration for the 1st call – until 17pm |
6/11/2/2020 |
2nd call |
13/2/2020 |
Non-face-to-face registration for the 2st call – until 17pm |
13/14/2/2020 |
Registration cancellation period |
17/19/2/2020 |
3nd call |
18/2/2020 |
Non-face-to-face registration for the 3rd call – 9am to 17pm |
19/2/2020 |
4nd call |
21/2/2020 |
2/3/2020 |
5nd call |
4/3/2020 |
Declaration of interest in vacancies online |
5 / 3 the 6 / 3 |
In-person registration for the 5th call – 9am to 15pm |
6/3/2020 |
Entrance Examination |
6nd call |
10/3/2020 |
In-person registration for the 6th call – 9am to 15pm |
12/3/2020 |
7nd call |
16/3/2020 |
Subscription to roll call of incoming students |
17/3/2020 |
In-person registration for the 7th call – 9am to 15pm |
18/3/2020 |
8nd call |
20/3/2020 |
In-person registration for the 8th call – 9am to 15pm |
24/3/2020 |
9th call and waiting list |
27/3/2020 |
In-person registration for the 9th call and in-person declaration of interest for candidates on the waiting list – 9am to 12pm |
31/3/2020 |
10th call – until 16 pm |
31/3/2020 |
Registration for the 10th call – 16pm to 17pm |
31/3/2020 |
Last call – until 17:30 pm |
31/3/2020 |
Last call registration – from 17:30 pm to 18 pm |
31/3/2020 |
* In-person registration for the 4th call must also be made by all candidates called in the first three calls and who completed the virtual registration online. Important: The place will only be guaranteed after in-person registration, to be held on 2/3/2020, from 9 am to 15 pm.