Resolution GR- 25/2020, of 16/03/2020
Rector: Marcelo Knobel
Activities for Unicamp Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in light of the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas,
considering Resolution GR 24/2020 of 16/03/2020 – which provides for the suspension of in-person teaching activities at Unicamp from 13/03 to 12/04/2020, and with the aim of seeking to preserve, as far as possible, academic activities of the 1st semester of 2020, download the following Resolution:
Article 1 - The emergency program is created for Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses and disciplines.
Single paragraph. Proposals must be prepared and sent to the corresponding Vice-Rectors by March 23, 2020, for immediate implementation.
Article 2 - The coordinators of Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, with support from the management of the responsible Unit, must establish the migration to technology-mediated education activities, considering the specificities of each curriculum and its disciplines.
Article 3 - The responsible teachers, with the support of the PEDs and/or PADs involved in the Undergraduate Course, must propose adaptations to the subject programs and their educational activity plans validated by them, highlighting the changes made.
Article 4 - For subjects with a practical (P) or laboratory (L) vector, the responsible teaching team will seek alternative methodologies and activities that are developed in a non-face-to-face manner.
Single paragraph. Essential face-to-face activities may be resumed after the end of the restriction period imposed by the pandemic.
Article 5 - Technology-mediated and non-face-to-face activities, aligned with the instructional objectives of the discipline program, will be considered substitutes for the corresponding teaching load. The deliveries or products of the activities carried out by the students will be used for monitoring and evaluation, and must form part of the course plan.
§ 1 - GGTE and EA2, with support from CCUEC, other bodies and teams at the University, will provide videos, links, tutorials, chatbot (virtual attendant - robot) and information materials on best practices in instructional design and tools for non-face-to-face teaching, via the EA2 portal ( Questions should be sent through the channels available on the portal itself.
§ º 2 - Teaching and research units must organize local task forces to support non-face-to-face teaching made up of professionals in the area of information and communication technology (ICT), course coordination, management and teachers with experience in the use of virtual tools, in addition to PEDs and PADs. These groups will be supported by the Support Group made up of Unicamp's central bodies, based at EA2.
Article 6 - Adjustments to the calendar or institutional regulations will be resolved in due course when there is greater clarity on the situation and prospects for the return of in-person activities.
Single paragraph. Additional questions and needs should be sent to email and
Article 7º - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its signature.
Marcelo Knobel