The Clinical Hospital (HC) from Unicamp received around R$1,4 million from the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT) for the purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other supplies necessary to protect healthcare professionals, in addition to equipment and/or contracting services to combat coronavirus and treat suspected cases of Covid-19.
The resources were allocated from the remaining balances of labor actions being processed in the 5th Labor Court of Campinas and the 4th Labor Court of Jundiaí. The request was made urgently and the initiative came from prosecutors Juliana Mendes Martins Rosolen, Adriana Bizarro and Alvamari Cassillo Tebet and prosecutor Nei Messias Vieira.
As attorney Juliana Rosolen explains, these are actions filed for collective moral damages, when the damage caused by a company or institution affects an entire community. In these cases, the compensation paid due to these actions and also fines in case of non-compliance with Terms of Conduct Adjustment (TACs) are reverted to the affected community itself. "Whenever possible, we revert these amounts to charities or funds, such as FAT:, the Worker Support Fund. But the priority is to allocate it to entities that serve the communities affected by that damage", explains the prosecutor.
The allocation of the amount to Unicamp's HC is part of a series of actions carried out by the MPT to raise remaining balances of actions of the type that can be allocated to bodies working to combat the coronavirus. According to the prosecutor, around R$50 million has already been allocated by the MPT to these services in the country. "We hope that the amount will help to further structure the service of this reference hospital in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic", comments Juliana.