Transport aid is now called Emergency Benefit for Non-In-Person Activities

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Aid related to transportation, intended for Unicamp students, is now called Emergency Benefit for Non-In-Person Activities (BENP). The change in identification does not alter the values ​​or the number of scholarships distributed and will last as long as there are restrictions on in-person activities at the University.

The measure was published through resolution GR 47/2020, of April 13, comes into force this Wednesday (15), and concerns all aid related to student transportation: Transport Aid Benefit (BAT); Compulsory Internship Transport Grant (BATO); transport allowances associated with BAS, BAEF, PROFIS, BASIC and Emergency Grants. 

"The readjustment of the scope of the benefit aims to provide transparency in the use of public resources, explaining how the resource is actually being used at that moment, supporting students, not in their travel, but in the remote activities that are being carried out”, explains the coordinator of the Student Support Service (SAE), Helena Altmann.

audio description: color photograph of unicamp student support service coordinator, helena altmann
"The economic crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic increases the importance of these benefits, as family support may be even more compromised", says SAE coordinator, Helena Altmann

The coordinator also points out that, although remote activities do not require transportation to campus, students depend on these resources to stay at the University. “Even without spending on transport, current circumstances create new demands for study and living structure, resulting in other expenses”, he states.

With the crisis situation caused by the new coronavirus, the professor assesses, maintaining social aid for students becomes even more fundamental. “Social aid guarantees the permanence of many students at university, whose livelihood depends on scholarships. The economic crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic increases the importance of these benefits, as family support may be even more compromised. Therefore, social benefits are important for students to continue with their academic activities and courses.”

New recipients

Due to the adequacy of the characteristics of the benefits, students who had not been awarded transportation assistance scholarships will now be able to receive the BENP. According to the SAE scholarship calendar, new BAT scholarship awards would have been made at the end of March and the beginning of April. These referrals could not be made due to the suspension of in-person activities.

“Now students will be able to receive this benefit, which we know is important for their maintenance at the university. A new list will be released soon by the Student Support Service, covering undergraduate and postgraduate students”, says the SAE coordinator. She also emphasizes that the selection process was already carried out at the beginning of the academic semester.

For those who already receive transportation assistance, there will be no changes in the payment method or amounts. Students who had already received the BAT in April will receive the BENP from May onwards. Those who have not yet received the BAT this month will already receive the BENP.

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audio description: color photograph of SAE coordinator, Helena Altmann


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