Polarization and pandemic, according to Roberto Romano

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Watch Roberto Romano's interview on the Direto na Fonte program (Radio and TV Unicamp)

Production: Marcos Botelho and Patrícia Lauretti

Editing: Kleber Casablanca

Interview: Felipe Mateus

Text: Patrícia Lauretti

Totalitarian government regimes promoted, throughout the 1968th century, a policy of extermination of populations. Left-wing and liberal movements, especially in XNUMX, when questioning the State's action, established a kind of overvaluation of social movements, as an alternative to meeting society's problems. The right followed the opposite path, denying the existence of the state as a regulator of public life.

Based on this historical path, the professor of Ethics and Philosophy, Roberto Romano, from the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH), states that "this privatist and elitist thinking that values ​​property and financial capital more than public life properly."

The professor highlights that there is no polarization or politicization of the Covid-19 pandemic. "What exists is a previous politicization of issues that appear to the public as merely technical, but which are in fact political decisions against society, against the poorest."

Brazil is experiencing, in the professor's opinion, a "complete denial package". "In Brazil we have had a democratic hiccup, since the Constitution, but the widows of the military dictatorship, of the Vargas dictatorship, are present. There is a tradition in Brazil of disregard for the population and the poorest people."

According to Romano, for the first time in Brazilian history, we have a government whose ministers, in addition to cutting portfolio investments, fight science. The professor still remembers famous conservatives who had confidence in science. "We are not facing a conservative movement, we are facing a movement that denies the bases of the State, the democratic State of law, the republican State and the scientific bases that helped to create this State itself, it is a complete disaster."


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Portrait of professor Roberto Romano wearing a suit and tie and looking towards the camera


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium