An even greater crisis in the world of work is looming post-pandemic. And, if in the short term the policies adopted by the federal government seem to have some effect, in the medium and long term they will prove disastrous, because they do not guarantee the preservation of employment.
At the same time, a historic opportunity arises: for societies to rethink the ways in which work is organized. "It is possible to build a society in which occupations that are useful to society are privileged, fundamental to guarantee well-being, respect, protection of the environment. More sustainable development", says our guest on this program Straight to the Source, professor José Dari Krein, from the Center for Union Studies and Labor Economics (Cesit) at the Unicamp Institute of Economics.
He still questions: "Does it need everyone to work as madly as they do today?" For the teacher, it is possible to think about a more useful redistribution of the working day, coordinated with a more civilized society.
Video produced by Rádio e TV Unicamp.
Production and interview: Felipe Mateus
Editing: Kleber Casablanca