Considering the context of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the Unicamp Permanent Entrance Exam Committee (Comvest) is adjusting the list of must-read works for this year's entrance exam, the Unicamp 2021 Vestibular. Comvest is also announcing the list that will be required for the 2022 Vestibular, with new features. The current exam list will be reduced from 12 works to seven, on an exceptional basis and due to the difficulty in accessing libraries and the effects on public and private education. The seven works are easily accessible or in the public domain and are indicated below and also on the Comvest website:
Comvest also decided to reduce the list of mandatory reading titles, starting from the Unicamp 2022 Vestibular, from the previously 12 for 10 works, conserving as many literary genres as possible and aesthetic and historical diversity. It was also decided that four works from the current list will be replaced to the list that will be required in the 2022 Entrance Exam.
List for the Unicamp 2021 Entrance Exam
Chosen sonnets, from Camões;
Surviving in hell, from the Racionais Mc's group;
The mirror, by Machado de Assis;
The Sailor, by Fernando Pessoa;
The Bankruptcy, by Júlia Lopes de Almeida;
The Athenaeum, by Raul Pompeia;
sermons, by Antonio Vieira.
*Works are excluded: At your feet; The rat seminar; History of the siege of Lisbon; Storage room; The bitch bitch.
List for the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam
The constructions Sermons, by Antonio Vieira; History of the Siege of Lisbon, by José Saramago; At your feet, by Ana Cristina César, and The mirror, by Machado de Assis will be replaced, respectively, by the following literary texts: Letter of Finding from Brazil, by Pero Vaz de Caminha; Niketche - a Story of Polygamy, by Paulina Chiziane; Afternoon, by Olavo Bilac and Good days, by Machado de Assis. The works Bitch bitch, by Nelson Rodrigues, and eviction room, by Carolina Marina de Jesus, will be excluded from the Vestibular book list in 2022, thus reducing the list of twelve titles to ten titles.
The general criteria used to replace the works were the representativeness of these literary manifestations in literate practices and cultural traditions of the Portuguese language, the standard of aesthetic elaboration and the presence of thematic centers appropriate to the student's pedagogical training in secondary education, to the extent that that such centers allow interdisciplinary approaches in the humanities area.
With the replacement of four works and the exclusion of two titles, the list for the Unicamp 2022 Entrance Exam is left with six literary genres (Poetry, Short Story, Theater, Novel, Chronicle and Letter/Travel Report) and ten authors (Camões, Racionais, Olavo Bilac, Ligia F. Telles, F. Pessoa, Paulina Chiziane, Júlia Lopes de Almeida, Machado de Assis and Pero Vaz de Caminha).
LIST 2021 |
LIST 2022 |
Genre |
Author |
Works |
Author |
Works |
Poetry |
Luís de Camões |
(sonnets selected by Comvest) |
Luís de Camões |
(sonnets selected by Comvest) |
Racionais MC's |
Surviving in hell |
Racionais MC's |
Surviving in hell |
Olaf Bilac |
Afternoon |
Bill |
Machado de Assis |
The mirror |
Lygia Fagundes Telles |
The rat seminar |
Drama |
Fernando Pessoa. |
The Sailor |
Fernando Pessoa. |
The Sailor |
Romance |
Júlia Lopes de Almeida |
The Bankruptcy |
Júlia Lopes de Almeida |
The Bankruptcy |
Raul Pompeia |
The Athenaeum |
Raul Pompeia |
The Athenaeum |
Paulina Chiziane |
Niketche - a Story of Polygamy |
Chronicle |
Machado de Assis |
Good days! |
sermons |
Antonio Vieira |
(Sermons selected by Comvest) |
Letter/Travel Report |
Pero Vaz de Caminha |
Letter of Finding to King D. Manuel |