In this third and final episode of the series "Reports of an Exchange", Unicamp students, Rodrigo Diniz and Guilherme Pereira, report the days of isolation in university housing. The before and after the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic in the city of Beijing, where they are on exchange. What measures and precautions do they need to follow to continue their studies outside Brazil.
Production and interview: Patrícia Lauretti
Script and editing: Kléber Casablanca
The series "Reports of an Interchange" was produced by Rádio e TV Unicamp with the aim of showing the impressions and perspectives of Unicamp undergraduate students who are, at the moment, outside Brazil. The first episode featured the testimony of Beatriz Moyses, over the city of Jaén, in Spain. Next we learn a little about the experience of Peter Gabriel, in the city of Caen, France.