About the temporal evolution of the Coronavirus epidemic in Brazil

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In the current pandemic we have observed a growing interest in science, which is the human activity through which we can get out of this crisis. This interest is certainly sparked by the perception that scientists mobilize spontaneously to face current challenges. Not only health scientists are mobilizing, often abandoning their lines of research to return to the necessary fronts in the fight against Covid-19. Engineers, chemists, mathematicians, physicists and social scientists abandon their research to dedicate themselves to new ones in the direction of building the knowledge necessary for everyone.

One of these initiatives is, for example, the COVID-19 BR Observatory, in which a group of scientists began to collaborate so that “with mathematical models built from available knowledge and data we can simulate different scenarios and identify trends”. The group warns, however: “Like any scientific result, discoveries made with mathematical models have some level of uncertainty. But they are still extremely important for planning public policies.”

In this sense, Prof. José C. Geromel and researchers Jorge Costa and Amanda Martinez join the efforts, presenting work proposing a new dynamic model to simulate the necessary scenarios and, at the same time, proposing the development of a computational system that can reduce the uncertainties of the scenarios.

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Engineers, chemists, mathematicians, physicists and scientists are looking for answers to face Covid-19. | Photo: Antonio Scarpinetti


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