Volunteers send chips with internet to indigenous students who returned to their communities

image editing
audio description: illustration of a map of Brazil with the points where chips were delivered
Map of the locations where the chips were sent

The Unicamp Volunteer Center has been carrying out several actions to help meet the demands of students during this period of the new coronavirus pandemic. Telephone support and collection and loan of materials needed for non-face-to-face academic activities are the group's two main areas of action. Considering that some indigenous students returned to their communities, internet chips were also sent, an action coordinated with the Dean of Undergraduate Studies (PRG).

The coordinator of the Volunteer Center, Josianne Cerasoli, who is a professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) at Unicamp, explains that the chips will be credited with 10GB of internet monthly, a plan paid for by Unicamp, to help with access to academic activities non-in-person.

One of the students who received the chip was Lisa Graciliano, who is in Manaus (AM). “The initiative to send the chips was great, because until then I had no internet and had no way to do my work”, says Lisa, who is studying Social Sciences.

Equipment delivery

In addition to this action, Josianne highlights that, for those in Campinas, there was an effort to donate computer equipment and chips necessary for remote activities. For students who have not yet collected their material, the Volunteer Center emphasizes that a communication was sent via email informing them how to collect the material.

As for those who have not yet requested, says Josianne, "Volunteering warns of the need to make the request urgently. The current context of care requires the maximum reduction of all travel. Any difficulty, or information about someone who is having difficulty , contact must be made via email". The contacts are:direitohumanos@unicamp.br or prg.corona@unicamp.br. 

cover image
audio description: color photograph of indigenous student receiving chip


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