Unicamp is part of the Federal Public Sector Innovation Network – Inovagov

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General Coordinator of the University, Professor Teresa Atvars: encouragement to disseminate the culture of organizational innovation

A General Coordination of the University (CGU) signed, last May, a terms of adherence to RFederal Office of Innovation in the Public Sector – Inovagov. The objective is to boost quality and effectiveness in the way UThe university conducts its projects, processes and services. According to the general coordinator from the University, professor Teresa Adib Zambon Atvars, compose this network will be aímodule to disseminate the culture of organizational innovation by reducing thes excesses of bureaucracy with the proposition of creative solutions centered on the user experience, following as dmanifesto guidelines from Inovagov. 

"Unicamp has established itself as one of the best universities in Latin America and is among 1% of the best in the world, and in just half a century of existence. It's not little. Focused on excellence in teaching, research, extension and health care, it needs to acquire excellence in public management, an area in which there has been a certain effort to improve in Brazil, but which is still far from achieving service to the citizen. It is from this perspective that we are entering this project, to take advantage of successful experiences in other public bodies and also to publicize our successful management projects with a focus on public service users”, explains.

In the opinion of the general coordinator, in In a country with enormous inequalities that become clear every day, qualifying management is an obligation for every public body. In this sense, develop and incorporate into public administration practices that can make life easier for everyone, reducing administrative effort so that if you have breath to produce more and better public services, it is um challenge. “And if, on the one hand, incorporating technologies into work processes is one of the ways to reduce bureaucracy without losing the rigor with which laws must be obeyed, on the other, the incorporation of technologies should allow the reduction of redundant regulations, reducing bureaucracy that does not adds value to the service. It is in this direction that we seek to integrate efforts to innovate in management, to better serve citizens”, adds the coordinator.

For the CGU advisor, professor Milena Pavan Serafim, this is yet another action that moves the University from the field of recognizing excessive bureaucracy, and places it in the field of action, of movement. “Unicamp is an institution of renown and excellence in the field of teaching, research and extension, but there is a certain abyss between what the academic world, which produces and develops research and advanced knowledge, and the administrative world, which slowly incorporates improvements in your work process”, explains the advisor.

Servers who participated in the 5th. Public Sector Innovation Week, in November 2019, in Brasília
Servers who participated in the 5th. Public Sector Innovation Week, in November 2019, in Brasília

Debureaucratize Program - Milena Serafim also highlights that the CGU innovated in openly informing the internal community about the multifaceted problem of reducing bureaucracy through the Debureaucratize Program e providesr for the actors involved to rethink the public service as a whole. All actions are the result of countless discussions and debates with employees interested in more efficient management. “We are especially grateful to the 60 participants, including the Desburocratize virtual and in-person team, and especially to the leaders who have supported us tirelessly”, celebrates CGU employee, Eloisa Cadeira Durães. In particular, she cites the leaders Ana Paula Montagner (Dean of University Development), André Luis Camargo (Institute of Chemistry), Camila Graziela Vanni (Faculty of Physical Education), Gesiel dos Santos (General Directorate of Human Resources), Matheus da Silva Marcheti Martins (Educorp) and Rafael Felipe Reatti (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences).

Milena Serafim also highlights Unicamp's participation in the 5th Public Sector Innovation Week, in Brasília, which took place in November last year. With the support of Educorp, it was possible for 11 employees to participate - Raphaela Fonseca Pansani de Alencar (Institute of Biology), Talita de Almeida Mendes (Executive Directorate of Integrated Strategic Planning), Arnaldo Luis Lixandrão Filho (Gleb Wataghin Institute of Physics), Bruno Gomes Ximenes (Institute of Biology), Rafael Felipe Reatti (Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences), Érika da Silva Campos Damas (Institute of Biology), Newton de Almeida Prado Junior (General Directorate of Administration), Matheus da Silva Marcheti Martins (Educorp) , Eloisa Caldeira Durães (CGU) and Silviane Rodrigues Duarte (CGU), as well as professor Milena Serafim. (Check out the experience of some of the servers who participated in the event below)

Lab. Management - The CGU recently approved, in its certification, a cell called, Unicamp Public Management Innovation Laboratory (LAB. GESTA), which consists of an institutional space of excellence to create and execute conditions favorable to innovation, generating products, services and transforming processes, through incremental and disruptive improvements. The intention is for new solutions to be thought of from different angles and tested with low-cost prototypes. It is worth highlighting that the end user will be at the center of the entire exploratory process. "All these actions and those to come hope to cultivate habits that encourage structured change and engage other professionals to create a critical mass in favor of reducing bureaucracy and permanent innovation”, adds the CGU advisor.

Check out some of the participants’ experiences at 5a Innovation Week in the Public Sector

- Erika da Silva Campos Damas (section supervisor at IB) - "PParticipating in the 5th Innovation Week made me introduce innovation into daily activities, improving results in the organization's management. Technology applied to the public service is a strategic ally, which comes to improve the relationship between user needs and efficiency of the service provided, an important point that we are working on in the Debureaucratize Program”

- Rafael Felipe Reatti (ICT professional at FCF) – “Most of the solutions we learned about at the event were the result of small improvement and simplification actions that together contributed to increased efficiency in large institutions. Inspired by these examples, we are making small improvements and simplifications at Unicamp through Debureaucratize”

- Arnaldo Luis Lixandrao Filho (research professional in exact sciences, IFGW) – “The current moment we live in will require several disruptions and Unicamp’s membership in InovaGov is an excellent opportunity to innovate and reduce bureaucracy. The expectation is that innovation combined with disruption will spontaneously generate technological leaps.”

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Four men and three women who participate in CGU actions


Internal Community

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium