Donations to the Unicamp Solidarity Campaign already total more than R$ 1,3 million

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Donations to the Unicamp Solidarity Campaign, which aims to raise funds to purchase basic food baskets for the Campinas Municipal Food Bank, have already reached a total of R$ 1.322.784,86. The amount was reached thanks to the collaboration of more than 590 donations made by individuals, companies and institutions. Among the most recent donations received, we highlight the transfer of R$ 20 thousand by Projeto Comemos, a partner organization of the campaign, and the donation of R$ 1,2 million made, in a single installment, by Fundação Itaú Social. 

photo shows open food basket with food displayed inside
Unicamp campaign will enhance social assistance carried out by Campinas City Hall

With the total already raised, the campaign organization estimates that it will be possible to purchase around 25 thousand basic food baskets, which will be donated to the Campinas Municipal Food Bank and benefit families in vulnerable situations in the city. "With this amount, we will be able to donate a large number of baskets, we estimate around 25 thousand", explains Marco Aurélio Pinheiro Lima, executive director of the Executive Directorate of Integrated Planning (DEPI) from Unicamp, which organizes the campaign. 

The donation of R$ 20 thousand made by We Eat Project It is the second carried out by the organization, which had already donated R$10 to the campaign. The project sells food kits, provided by partner restaurants. Part of the profits obtained are donated to professionals in the food sector who are facing difficulties due to the pandemic and another part is sent to the Unicamp Solidarity Campaign. 

The donation received from the Itaú Social Foundation, of R$ 1,2 million, was already foreseen at the beginning of the campaign. However, the foundation would make the payment in three installments. The transfer of the full amount should boost the work and also encourage other companies and institutions to collaborate with the action. 

Help as many families as possible

The Unicamp Solidarity Campaign emerged as yet another way in which the university contributes to social well-being during the new coronavirus pandemic. The basic food baskets acquired from the collections will enhance the work carried out by the Municipal Department of Social Assistance, Persons with Disabilities and Human Rights (SMASDH) from Campinas. "Our first goal was to donate at least one basic food basket to each of the 32 thousand families. But seeing the pandemic situation, this need for families will last, at least, until the end of 2020. So we will maintain it until the end of the year and ask more people to support our action", commented Marco Aurélio at the time. 

photo shows marco aurelio lima, director of depi. he wears a blue shirt and speaks into the microphone
Marco Aurélio Lima estimates that it is already possible to serve around 25 thousand families in vulnerable situations

O launch, held virtually on May 13, was marked by the delivery of the first 386 basic food baskets to the Campinas Food Bank. Of the total raised by the campaign so far, R$74.445,00 has already been used to purchase 1.418 basic food baskets. The complete accounting can be seen at campaign website

In addition to Fundação Itaú Social and Projeto Comemos, iFood also contributes to the campaign through the donation feature available on the company's app. The amounts donated by customers will be used to purchase basic food baskets delivered by the NGO Ação da Cidadania to the Campinas Food Bank. Donations can be made via Funcamp through this page and payment can be made by bank transfer, bank slip or credit card.

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photo shows pallets with stacks of basic food baskets that were donated to the Campinas food bank


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