Unicamp's Permanent Commission for Entrance Exams (Comvest) recorded the largest number of people granted exemption from paying for entrance exams in the history of the Fee Exemption Program, which began in 2000. This year, 9.724 students received the benefit to register for the Unicamp 2021 Vestibular, registration for which begins on July 31st, online. The numbers were released today, along with the consultation of the list of beneficiaries. Information is available on the Commission's website: www.comvest.unicamp.br.
This year, Comvest received 11.541 orders and, according to the Commission, all candidates who met the requirements benefited. In recent years, Comvest recorded the following numbers of people benefiting from the entrance exam fee exemption:
2020 8.303
2019 7.696
2018 8.653
2017 7.302
2016 5.998
2015 4.568
As of today, recipients will begin to receive, via email, a communication with the exemption code, so that they can register for the Unicamp 2021 Entrance Exam, which is not automatic. The calendar with registration and exam dates for the Unicamp 2021 Entrance Exam has already been published and is available on the Comvest website. Registration will take place from July 30th to September 8th, online.
The director of Comvest, José Alves de Freitas Neto, highlights the importance of Unicamp's inclusion policies. “Inclusion policies have many stages and exemption is one of them. The greater number of requests fulfilled indicates that we will have more public school students with this socioeconomic profile enrolled in the entrance exam and, effectively, occupying places at the end of the process”, comments José Alves.
It highlights Unicamp's history of commitment against the exclusion of students. “For years, we have been fighting against the self-exclusion of low-income and public school students. Seeing the increase in subscribers is a sign that the work is paying off,” he says.
Exemptions from the Unicamp Vestibular registration fee were offered in three ways. Most of the exemptions went to modality 1, aimed at candidates from low-income families (up to one and a half gross monthly minimum wage per household resident, in which 8.553 students received the benefit. Already in modality 2, for Unicamp/Funcamp employees, 41 candidates were exempt from the registration fee. In mode 3, for those applying for the following evening Bachelor's or Technology courses (Degrees in: Biological Sciences, Physics, Literature, Integrated Degree in Chemistry/Physics, Mathematics and Pedagogy. Technology in: Systems Analysis and Development and Environmental Sanitation), 1.130 candidates were benefited.
The increase in exemptions granted, according to the director of Comvest, is the result of the perception of a university that has adopted more inclusive forms of access and also the reduction of bureaucracy in the process of sending documents. “Furthermore, the context of economic crisis has meant that many people, unfortunately, no longer have the same income”, assesses José Alves.
Candidates who had their application rejected may request an appeal, duly justified, by filling out a specific electronic form, available on the Comvest website, until 17 pm on July 29th.
Complementary program
According to Comvest, candidates interested in requesting a fee exemption and who have not yet made the request this year will have another opportunity, as the Commission has reopened the period for new requests. Requests for the Complementary Exemption Program may be made until next July 31, 2020, on the Comvest website. The result will be announced on August 14th.
“I would like to highlight that Comvest continues with the process open, as we want to exceed this number of exempt beneficiaries in the first stage of the program”, concludes José Alves.