Doctor Honoris Causa from Unicamp, the bishop emeritus of São Félix do Araguaia, in Mato Grosso, Pedro Casaldáliga, died at the age of 92, this Saturday (8), in Batatais (SP), where he was hospitalized for medical treatment due to respiratory problems. He had tested negative for Covid-19.
“It is with deep regret that we received the news of the death of Dom Pedro Casaldáliga, a personality deeply involved with humanitarian causes in the country”, said rector Marcelo Knobel. “Unicamp is proud to have him among those who received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University”, he added.
One of the country's greatest human rights defenders, Dom Pedro Casaldáliga spent a good part of his life suffering political persecution due to his actions against the dictatorship and the violence of land grabbers, loggers, miners and rural producers. He was the target of expulsion proceedings from the country, but never gave up his cause.
On October 24, 2000, he received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from Unicamp. In a report published in Jornal da Unicamp, journalist Manuel Alves Filho gave the following description of Dom Pedro upon receiving the honor:
“During the solemnity, the religious translated, into practice, the meaning of the word communion. He sang, laughed and reflected with the audience. Afterwards, he shared the honor with his people and even with the Araguaia River. From that moment on, he transformed all followers and supporters of his cause into doctors. “Doctors of utopia”, as Dom Pedro likes to point out.” read complete material.