Scientific entities speak out against Bill 529


The Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), Academy of Sciences of the State of São Paulo (Aciesp) and the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) issued notes expressing their opposition to article 14 of the 529 / 2020 Bill. The section of the bill, which establishes fiscal austerity measures in the state administration to contain the effects of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, provides for the collection of financial surpluses from state agencies and foundations and their transfer to the Single Treasury Account State. The measure directly impacts the three state universities in São Paulo - Unicamp, USP and Unesp -, in addition to the São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (Fapesp), with losses estimated at around R$1 billion.

In a note, the Aciesp highlights the importance of the system formed by universities maintained by the State and Fapesp for the country's scientific advancement. "Despite the need for fiscal austerity at the moment, science is an essential activity, both for facing current challenges and for the future economic development of the state and the country. In fact, the state of São Paulo has always stood out in the economic scenario and scientific world because of its excellent system of universities and FAPESP's exemplary performance in financing basic and applied research", states the entity, which also launched a undersigned against the measure. 

A ABC emphasizes that the proposal contained in the bill goes against the necessary investments in science: "We understand that education, science and innovation represent investment and not expenses and cutting these resources will have multiplicative consequences that are not only immediate, but long-lasting, causing a irrecoverable setback in the development of the State and the Country". 

Already SBPC warns that other institutions, in addition to public state universities, could be harmed if the text is approved in this way. "The state universities of São Paulo (USP, Unesp and Unicamp), Unifesp, UFABC, UFSCar and the State Research Institutes, whose majority of research projects are financed by FAPESP, are responsible for more than 33% of scientific production "

Proposal violates university autonomy

According to Marcelo Knobel, rector of Unicamp, the section of PL 529/2020 violates the financial and management autonomy of public universities in São Paulo. predicted by Decree No. 29.598, on February 2, 1989, autonomy guarantees Unicamp, USP and Unesp the freedom to manage the resources transferred by the State through the percentage of ICMS collection. "We have had many difficulties in recent years to rebalance the accounts and this measure complicates the planning work and directly harms the university's autonomy in being able to manage the resources that are transferred by the São Paulo taxpayer", assesses the dean. 

Knobel explains that the entire bill is being analyzed by the Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities (Cruesp), as in addition to article 14, other sections may also impact universities indirectly, such as items relating to tax collection and the closure of government agencies and bodies. It also details Cruesp's efforts to dialogue with the Legislative Assembly and the government in search of changes to the PL that do not compromise the work of universities and Fapesp. 

"We are in contact with deputies, raising awareness about this issue. We are also talking to the government to show the importance of these resources for universities and why this goes against the autonomy decree itself. We have therefore been working intensely to request proposals for amendments that result in this law, as it stands, not being approved", highlights Knobel. 

Read more: Cruesp releases note on PL 529/20

cover image
image shows the cruesp logo at the top with the logos of the three universities, usp, unesp and unicamp, at the bottom


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