CRUESP Notice No. 08/2020
São Paulo, September 17, 2020.
State universities in São Paulo traditionally maintain a relationship based on dialogue, mutual trust and partnership with the State Government. In these terms, CRUESP has clarified its contrary position in relation to the provisions of article 14 of PL 529/2020, which provides for the collection of the financial surplus of São Paulo state universities.
However, we were recently surprised by statements from the Secretary of Projects, Budget and Management about PL 529/2020, in videos widely disseminated on social media, declaring, in one of them, that:
“The use of the financial surplus of foundations, authorities and funds, including universities and Fapesp, does not in any way affect the provision of services. We are talking about surplus resources that have been accumulated over several years, which are being reallocated to pay retirement and pensions for the universities themselves, for professors and administrative staff at these universities”.
We regret this statement, as it does not correspond with the reality of universities, which are responsible for their own payrolls (active and retired) with resources from the ICMS quota, destined for their financing, a fact widely known by the Government team.
Cruesp has argued to the executive team and state deputies that this proposal is extremely harmful to the functioning of institutions and violates the principle of autonomy, which has worked in an exemplary manner over the last 31 years.
Cruesp reaffirms its willingness to continue negotiations with the Executive and makes itself available to the Legislature to show the financial data in a transparent manner and clarify the inevitable losses for the population of the State of São Paulo, if this project is approved.
Council of Rectors of São Paulo State Universities
São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho – Unesp