Today (25) is the deadline for Unit directors to send the forms

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Today (25th) is the deadline for the directors of Unicamp units and bodies to send a completed form to the Rectory with information regarding the internal plans for a partial and gradual return to face-to-face activities on the campuses. The information must include details of how each unit will manage its spaces, within sanitary and social distancing requirements, and an indication of which employees will return to in-person work from October 19th and on the subsequent dates detailed in the Partial and Gradual Return Plan released earlier this week. 

"It's a quick response form, there are around 13 items. Afterwards, a spreadsheet will also be sent with the names of all the people who will return during the different periods", explains José Antonio Gontijo, Chief of Staff at the Rectory. When filling out the information, directors must detail factors such as mapping physical spaces, such as classrooms, laboratories and offices; number of servers, teachers and administrative technicians, which each space holds and what percentage of the total those who will return represent; If there will be teaching activities in the spaces involving the presence of students, what these activities will be and on what day and time of the week they will be taught. 

In the case of places with educational activities, directors must also inform whether there is the possibility of them being taught in open spaces. According to Gontijo, the working groups that have been organizing the campuses for the in-person return carried out a survey of open spaces in which this could occur. Thus, if it is possible to use open spaces, the use of these spaces will be organized according to the needs of each unit or course. 

Other necessary information concerns the planning of working hours and activities carried out by returning employees: how will employees occupy the spaces, in order to maintain social distancing? Will there be full or partial working hours? Will a rotation be established between servers? These are issues that will be reported to the Rectory. 

All this data, together with a spreadsheet indicating the names of the employees who will return to the campuses and the return dates, are necessary to organize the steps prior to the first return period, scheduled for October 19th: scheduling RT-PCR exams by Cecom, sending links to access video classes on safe living and registration in the Covid-19 symptom monitoring application. Furthermore, the information also allows the planning of services such as University Restaurants and the provision of chartered transport. 

All information about Unicamp's Partial and Gradual Return Plan is available on the Unicamp Portal and on the University's social networks. Also check out detailed guidelines on the Handbook on Safe Living

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photo shows girl on bicycle walking around campus


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