Training through video classes will be mandatory for in-person return

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Within the strategies of partial and gradual return to Unicamp's in-person activities, courses, through training video classes, will be mandatory. The videos provide information about the security protocols adopted by the University. There will be five basic classes, which everyone must attend, and other specific classes, developed according to the specificities of the activity carried out at Unicamp.

The training is provided by the Unicamp School of Corporate Education (Educorp), and can be accessed directly at Moodle Platform or on the page of educorp. On the website, members of the academic community will find a question and answer section and buttons that direct them to the platform.

The videos last an average of 10 minutes each and concern, for example, circulation on campuses, the operation of university restaurants and the epidemiological surveillance plan. The executive director of Educorp, Monica Rovigati, explains that the indication, at this first moment, is that only employees who will return to face-to-face activities on October 19th should take the courses. For these people, it is recommended that they take the video classes between October 9th and 16th. 

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On the Educorp page, access the video classes according to your category

“The system is already open but the recommendation is that at the moment only those who will return on October 19th should take part in the training, taking care not to overload the platform. We ask that people do the training in the 10-day period before their return”, he points out.

In addition to them, it is recommended that employees and teachers who have not stopped working in person at the University, such as those in the health sector, also take classes at this first stage.

After watching the videos, a liability waiver regarding the knowledge of the protocols must be signed. Records of course completion, for civil servants, will be included in the Functional Life system. For students, they will be in the Academic Management System (SIGA).

If a member of the academic community does not take classes, they will not be allowed to return. It will be up to the Human Resources (HR) and People Management sector of your unit to define the direction. “The employees' local HRs will manage and monitor the training, also under the guidance of the DGRH's occupational health division, so that those who did not complete the training do not return,” explains Monica.

audio description: color photograph of Educorp coordinator, MOnica Rovigati
Monica Rovigati, executive director of Educorp

For the Educorp coordinator, it is important that everyone is aware of the importance of classes, even if they believe they already know the protocols, as the success of the partial and gradual return depends on full adherence to safety rules. “Returning to campus and the campus becoming more populated, it is important to take a step back, watch, remember the protocols. The protocols are strict at the University and it is important that we comply, especially because some of the rules are specific to Unicamp”, she assesses.  

Educorp provides computers and guidance

Accessing video classes is simple. However, thinking about people who do not have command of the tools or who have difficulty accessing computers and the internet, Educorp is providing computers and guidance. The computer lab is open from 10am to 16pm. Monica also recommends that, if possible, the HR department of each unit should also reserve space and equipment to facilitate training. 

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audio description: unicamp logo with blue background and below it says "safe coexistence"


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