Universia program with Santander offers 10 internet chips for students

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Universia and Santander are donating 10 chips to undergraduate students enrolled in Brazilian higher education institutions. The chips will be delivered in February 2021 and provide access to 5GB of high-speed internet per month and unlimited calls, lasting six months. Students who wish to request support must register via the program website: https://materiais.universia.com.br/chips

Registration opened on October 21st and continues until January 11th. The selection will be made by each Higher Education Institution and the results of those awarded will be announced between February 2nd and 8th. The selection criteria for the program include a situation of social vulnerability and maintaining good academic performance.

Unicamp, as soon as the suspension of in-person activities was announced, provided a coordination network for the donation of computer equipment and chips necessary for remote activities. Universia's initiative with Santander, however, can expand efforts regarding digital inclusion. 

“Unicamp has strived to find as many options as possible to support students in this phase of preferential remote learning. The opportunity offered by the partnership with Santander Universidades e Universia expands this possibility, offering another 200 5GB chips for use in the first half of 2021. It is important that our students who would like to participate in the selection register”, highlights Eliana Amaral, pro- Dean of Undergraduate Studies at Unicamp.


Registration to request the chip can be made at the program address: https://materiais.universia.com.br/chips, until January 11th. In the form, the student must fill in identification information and the link with the higher education institution. 

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audio description: color photograph of a hand holding a cell phone where an online class is being broadcast; In the other hand, the student has a pen making notes in a notebook


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