Unicamp publishes Notice of the 2021 Indigenous Entrance Exam, with two new courses

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In the third edition of the Unicamp Indigenous Entrance Exam entry modality, offered to indigenous students from across the country, Unicamp will offer 88 places for admission in the second semester of 2021. Registration is free and can be done exclusively on the website of the Permanent Commission for the Unicamp Entrance Exams (Comvest), from December 10, 2020 to January 31, 2021. The Notice with the rules and vacancies per course is available on Comvest page, as well as the complete calendar of the process. For 2021, two new courses were added: Computer Science and Computer Engineering. The Biological Sciences, Nursing and Pharmacy courses did not have vacancies for this edition.

Candidates must prove that they belong to one of the indigenous ethnicities of Brazilian territory, through the documentation specified in the Notice, to be delivered on the day of the entrance exam. Another prerequisite is that candidates have completed secondary education entirely in the public network (municipal, state, federal), or in indigenous schools recognized by the public education network or have obtained secondary education certification by ENEM or official exams (e.g. example, Enceja) and have not attended any period of high school in the private network. If they pass the entrance exam, students must prove the requirements by presenting all required documentation at the time of registration.

In this edition of the Indigenous Entrance Exam, Comvest will apply the test in the same six cities as the previous entrance exam: Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga ( AM). The exam will be held on April 11, 2021 (following local time). The test will be in Portuguese, consisting of multiple choice questions and an essay, as follows: Languages ​​and codes (14 questions); Natural Sciences (12 questions); Mathematics (12 questions); Human Sciences (12 questions); and an essay. The study program for the test is now available in the Notice, on the Comvest page. Candidates for the Music Degree course, in addition to the tests above, must take the Specific Skills Test in Music, with electronic submission of videos. Admission of those approved will take place in August 2021. 


In the first edition of the Unicamp Indigenous Entrance Exam, held for admission in 2019, Comvest registered 611 applicants, who competed for the 72 places offered. 64 students were enrolled, from 23 ethnicities in Brazil. In the second edition, held last year, the number of applicants rose to 1.675, in competition for 96 places, and 85 students were enrolled.  

Calendar - Indigenous Entrance Exam 2021

10/12/2020 (at 09:00 pm)

Registration begins, using an electronic form, on the Comvest website.

08/02/2021 (from 09:00 am to 18:00 pm on the day 26/02/2021)

Deadline for sending a digital file for the Specific Skills test for the Music course, on the Comvest website.

31 / 01 / 2021 (at 17 p.m.)

Final date for registration, on the Comvest website.


Call for Tests and disclosure of the full address of the locations. Available exclusively na Comvest website.

11/04/2021 (at 13 pm local time)

Application of the Tests in the cities of Bauru (SP), Campinas (SP), Caruaru (PE), Dourados (MS), São Gabriel da Cachoeira (AM) and Tabatinga (AM),

10/05/21 (18 hours)

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 1nd call and waiting list, on the Comvest website.

11/05/2021 a 17/05/2021 (from 09:00 am to 17:00 pm)

Registration of those called in the 1st call (virtual), on the Comvest website.

20/05/2021 (18 hours)

Announcement of those selected for enrollment in the 2nd call, on the Comvest website.

21/05/2021 a 27/05/2021 (from 09:00 am to 17:00 pm)

Registration of those called in the 2st call (virtual), on the Comvest website.

31/05/2021 (18 hours)

Disclosure of those invited to enroll in the 3th call, on the Comvest website.

01/06/2021 a 07/06/2021 (from 09:00 am to 17:00 pm)

Registration of those called in the 3st call (virtual), on the Comvest website.

10/06/2021 (18 hours)

Disclosure of those invited to enroll in the 4th call, on the Comvest website.

02/08/2021 (from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm)

In-person registration (all virtual calls), at a location to be informed on the Comvest website.

05/08/2021 (18 hours)

Disclosure of those invited to enroll in the 5th call, on the Comvest website.

09/08/2021 (from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm)

Registration of those called up in the 5th call. In-person registration, at a location to be informed on the Comvest website.


cover image
Indigenous candidates take the 2020 Entrance Examination


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