Unicamp volunteers launch a new campaign to purchase computers for students

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With the continuation of remote activities, new demands for equipment arise so that students can carry out academic activities. In this way, the Unicamp Volunteer Center, linked to the University's Executive Board of Human Rights, carries out a fundraising campaign to purchase computers. The goal is to acquire 15 notebooks. Donations can be made on the Help Unicamp website: ajuda.unicamp.br/aprendizado/

“We are living in an extremely delicate and challenging moment for all of us. Unicamp embraced the cause of inclusion and the inclusion agenda includes objective conditions so that everyone can participate in academic activities. At this moment we need to awaken the spirit of solidarity among the community to achieve these goals”, highlights professor Sônia Regina da Cal Seixas, who is part of the Volunteer Team. 

audio description: publicity illustration for the crowdfunding campaign to acquire computers

Mobilization has been taking place since the beginning of the pandemic

Unicamp has been mobilizing resources and various donation campaigns to meet student equipment demands. To date, around 450 chips, 320 tablets, 60 notebooks and 30 desktops have been distributed. With the continuation of remote academic activities, however, demand persists.

To help, you can make cash donations on the campaign website Help Unicamp, where there are also other donation fronts. If you have any equipment to donate, the Volunteer Center will also receive it and allocate it to students. If you have any questions about donations, the contact email is: odh@dedh.unicamp.br. The Help Unicamp campaign also provides the telephone number (19) 3521-2020 (WhatsApp) to clarify doubts.

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audio description: promotional illustration for the embrace the future campaign with two women hugging themselves


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