Companies can offer grants to stimulate innovation for research

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An important novelty from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) for its internal community is the regulation to approve Innovation Stimulus Grants  offered by partner companies in Research and Development (R&D) agreements with the University for its teachers, researchers, employees and students who develop activities directly linked to the promotion of innovation within these projects.

The possibility of granting Innovation Stimulus Grants offered by companies with R&D agreements for the University was already foreseen in the new Legal Framework for Innovation at the state (2017) and federal (2018) level, as well as in the Unicamp Innovation Policy approved by the University Council in 2019. However, only with the internal regulation This year, Unicamp and its community will have legal tax protection to approve the concessions of these development opportunities from companies in the form of scholarships, which are tax-exempt for the beneficiaries, as is the case with other scholarships offered by scientific funding bodies.

According to Professor Newton Frateschi, executive director of the Unicamp Innovation Agency (Inova), this opportunity for an Innovation Stimulus Grant is an achievement for the University as it allows resources to come from companies and be allocated to teams focused on developing some innovation with positive socioeconomic impact from partnership projects.

More information about the scholarship:

  • Resolution GR-075/2020: which regulates the granting of Innovation Stimulus Grants.
  • Inova Unicamp page: On the Inova Unicamp website, there is more information about the scholarship, as well as a Work Plan model, Good Practice Guide and frequently asked questions. There is also a direct link to request the scholarship innovation analysis.

Read full article published on the Unicamp Innovation Agency website.

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Researchers in the laboratory manipulate samples and equipment


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