Unicamp is the new signatory of the Global Climate Letter

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The international initiative, which already brings together more than 280 higher education institutions around the world, is part of the global effort led by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to face today's serious socio-environmental crisis. The letter warns of the rapid destruction of life on Earth by the actions of humanity itself, declares a climate and environmental emergency and points out: 2020 is the deadline to start the process of change and avoid the worst. “The letter contains fundamental principles and values ​​in which Unicamp believes. It also raises legitimate concerns, which need to be disseminated in our universities and society”, explains rector Marcelo Knobel. “It is our role as active participants in the education, science and technology system, to act to alert the population and take actions to change the trend of imminent global disaster”, he adds.

Dean Marcelo Knobel: actions to change the trend of imminent global disaster
Dean Marcelo Knobel: actions to change the trend of imminent global disaster 

The declaration, signed so far by only six Brazilian universities, recognizes the urgency of drastic social change to combat climate change. Promoting this transformation, on the other hand, is not simple, “in some areas it involves studies (for example, to cut CO2 emissions) and a strong local pact for its effectiveness. But the university is the environment where understanding the reality of the climate emergency happens most immediately. And this must operate as a powerhouse for ideas that guarantee the advancement of environmental preservation with the guarantee of access to fundamental rights for present and future generations, in particular, the most vulnerable populations”, says Néri de Barros Almeida, from the Executive Board of Human Rights at Unicamp (DeDH).

Marco Aurelio Pinheiro Lima, from the Executive Directorate of Integrated Planning (DEPI), highlights that climate change due to human presence has a solid scientific basis and that universities have a decisive role. “It is necessary to create a culture of sustainable development and integrate environmental heritage with urban and economic development. The best way is through education and signing the Climate Emergency Charter is being part of this global pact”, he explains.

Practical actions

Even before adhering to the Climate Emergency Charter, Unicamp already has a body dedicated to environmental sustainability, the Sustainable University Management Group, GGSUS, part of DEPI. “GGUS coordinates several technical chambers made up of professors, staff and students, who seek gains in efficiency and sustainability in the management of energy, water resources, waste, fauna and flora, environmental education and smart campuses”, explains the coordinator Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva. Among the initiatives is the Sustainable Campus Project, a partnership signed between Unicamp and CPFL Group. The proposal is to encourage the use of distributed generation for public buildings and reduce electricity expenses.

Coordinator of the Sustainable Campus project Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva: encourage the use of distributed generation for public buildings and reduce electricity expenses
Luiz Carlos Pereira da Silva, coordinator of the Sustainable Campus project: encourage the use of distributed generation for public buildings and reduce electricity expenses

One of the results of the project is the photovoltaic plant on the Barão Geraldo campus, responsible for generating 1% of the electricity consumed on site, according to Lima, from DEPI. Opened in April 2019, the plant that produces solar energy is also used as a laboratory for university students and teachers.

In UI Greenmetrics, an international ranking created in 2010 to recognize universities that strive to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in the fight against climate change, Unicamp occupies third place in Brazil and 100th in the world. “We are going to work harder every day to put sustainability on the university’s agenda”, says Knobel about the results of the latest edition of the ranking.

One of the actions planned at Unicamp is the installation of the International Hub for Sustainable Development (HIDS), still in its initial stage. Focused on environmental preservation and conservation, the hub will focus on solutions such as collection, treatment and recycling of solid waste; rational use of water; clean energy; autonomous vehicles; circular and shared economy, guarantee zero net emissions of greenhouse gases; new housing solutions adapted to the city of the future.

Néri de Barros Almeida, DeDH director: the human rights perspective guides choices committed to human dignity
Néri de Barros Almeida, DeDH director: the human rights perspective guides choices committed to human dignity

“Faced with the drastic decisions to be taken in tackling environmental problems, the human rights perspective guides us towards choices committed to human dignity. Sustainable campuses act along this path as research laboratories and inspiration for citizenship. The culture of rights has an important role to play in the expected transition from the current production standard to one that is uncompromisingly respectful of all forms of life”, says Néri de Barros Almeida, director of DeDH.

Read : Declaration of Climate and Environmental Emergency

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Panels installed in different Unicamp units: energy savings


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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium