University Council approves budget of R$2,84 billion for 2021

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Unicamp's University Council (Consu) approved, in a meeting held this Tuesday (15), the Budget Distribution Proposal (PDO) for 2021. The University's projected budget for next year is R$2,841 billion. The value is 2,68% higher than the initial projection of the 2020 budget, which totaled R$ 2,767 billion, and 6,32% higher than this year's second budget review approved by Consu, which implied a reduction to R $2,672 billion. The approved value maintains the projection of public utility, restaurant and transport expenses and contracts at the same levels as in 2020, given the possibility of the return of in-person activities throughout 2021, which may be reviewed throughout the year. It also includes the increase of around R$2 million in the university's student support programs, mainly the payment of housing and social assistance grants.  

"Consu approved a budget that will allow us to maintain the University's activities responsibly, recognizing the difficult times we are facing. Despite these difficulties, Unicamp has once again increased its investment in student permanence, which is a fact that deserves to be highlighted", assesses Marcelo Knobel, Rector of Unicamp.

The PDO for 2021 takes into account the projection of revenues from the State Treasury at R$2,591 billion, an amount corresponding to Unicamp's share of the ICMS collection, plus R$41,4 million coming from the University's own resources. This will require support of R$208,6 million from Unicamp's strategic reserve to complement the budget, of which R$79 million refers to expenses planned for 2021 and the other R$129,5 million corresponds to approved expenses in previous years. 

According to Francisco Gomes Neto, Pro-Rector of University Development, despite the efforts required due to the coronavirus pandemic and the financial restrictions imposed by the resulting economic crisis, the University ends 2020 on a positive note. "Our financial balance, at this moment, is around R$424 million, a little better than the beginning of 2020. There will still be a reduction with the payment of the 13th salary, vacations, but we hope to end the year with some time off to pay the expenses planned in 2021, to cover this deficit, which is good news. Our total expenses are R$2,84 million, but if we exclude conditioned resources from this, that is, reducing it to R$2,68 billion, around 3% less compared to last year's expenses, so there is in fact a forecast of a reduction in nominal expenses in 2021", explains the dean. 

He also highlights that the budget takes into account the uncertainties that exist for 2021 from a health and economic point of view and that, therefore, it is not possible to project major changes for next year. "We noticed that there was an economic recovery, but the maintenance of this recovery next year is unknown. There are tax reform proposals being discussed in Congress, which could have an impact on the University, so it is not prudent for us to make a budget proposal that is very different from this. The watchword of this proposal is precisely prudence", analyzes Francisco Gomes Neto. 

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photo shows aerial view of the unicamp campus in campinas


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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium