Unicamp awards institutional awards in virtual ceremony

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In a ceremony that took place this Friday, December 18th, Unicamp presented its institutional awards. The awards granted were: “Zeferino Vaz” academic recognition; Teaching Recognition for dedication to Undergraduate Teaching and Proec University Extension Award. During the ceremony, representatives of Unicamp's Higher Administration recalled the difficulties that faced the year 2020, highlighting the effort of the entire academic community to keep the University fully operational and working to combat the new coronavirus pandemic. 

When commenting on the “Zeferino Vaz” Award, granted to professors who have stood out in their teaching, research and extension roles, the general coordinator of Unicamp, professor Teresa Atvars, highlighted the additional symbolism that the awards carry this year. “At this moment, the recognition has an additional value, which is the value of the struggle we have had all year to change the paradigm of the university’s functioning, but which has not minimized the institutional commitment to the public university and to academic excellence”. 

Professor Marcelo Knobel, dean of Unicamp, also highlighted the engagement of the academic community with regard to the process of migrating to remote teaching. Faced with a health, economic and political crisis, the rector assessed, it became even more necessary to emphasize the fundamental role that science plays in public universities. “Naturally, we would like to thank the entire Unicamp community, who did so much to maintain this excellence and to maintain the strength of the public university, showing the country and society in general that without the public university our country and our world has no future.”

Commenting on the undergraduate teaching teaching recognition award, given to professors who stood out in activities throughout their academic career alongside undergraduate teaching, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Eliana Amaral, noted the importance of valuing this primary mission of the university. “The people who receive the award today show that it is not an effort of one part of their career, but rather a teaching attitude that is a great example and, above all, a great determinant for having a good educational environment for the learning process ”.

Finally, the ceremony also named the winners of the Pro-Rector of Extension and Culture (PROEC) extension award, granted in order to recognize dedication to this pillar of the university, based on dialogic and transformative interaction between the university and other sectors of the society. The PROEC award, recalled the Vice-Rector of Extension and Culture, Fernando Hashimoto, was created in 2019 to recognize and further promote university extension. For the teacher, the interaction that extension involves becomes even more necessary to strengthen in the face of attacks on science. “We are under massive attack against science, against culture and against freedom of thought and so we know the need to have greater contact with society. I hope we have learned that we cannot live without this relationship. We are a university that owes a lot to our contributors, who are our nation. May extension play an increasingly important role at the university”, he assessed. 

Check out the winners:

“Zeferino Vaz” Academic Recognition Award

Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM): Iscia Teresinha Lopes Cendes

Faculty of Education (FE): Evely Boruchovitch

Faculty of Physical Education (FEF): Marco Antonio Coelho Bortoleto

Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA): Anderson de Souza Sant'Ana

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning (FEC): Edevar Luvizotto Junior

Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEEC): Marco Aurélio Amaral Henriques

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FEM): Noé Cheung

Faculty of Nursing (FENF): Edinêis de Brito Guirardello

Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ): Osvaldir Pereira Taranto

Faculty of Technology (FT): Rosa Cristina Cecche Lintz

Institute of Arts (IA): Verônica Fabrini Machado de Almeida

Institute of Biology (IB): Anete Pereira de Souza

Institute of Computing (IC): Hélio Pedrini

Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH): Thomas Patrick Dwyer

Institute of Physics "Gleb Wataghin” (IFGW): Fanny Béron

Institute of Geosciences (IG): Carlos Roberto de Souza Filho

Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC): Paulo José da Silva e Silva

Institute of Chemistry (IQ): Igor Dias Jurberg

Faculty Recognition Award for Dedication to Undergraduate Teaching

Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA): Luciana Cordeiro de Souza Fernandes 

Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM): Wilson Nadruz Júnior 

Faculty of Education (FE): Silvio Donizetti de Oliveira Gallo

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism (FEC): Luiz Carlos Marcos Vieira Junior 

Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEEC): Walmir de Freitas Filho

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FEM): Carlos Eduardo Keutenedjian Mady 

Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ): Osvaldir Pereira Taranto

Faculty of Technology (FT): Rosa Cristina Cecche Lintz

Institute of Biology (IB): Lucia Elvira Alvares

instComputing ITute (IC): Edson Borin

Instituteuto of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH): Mário Augusto Medeiros da Silva

Institute of Physics "Gleb Wataghin” (IFGW): Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar

Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC): Sandra Augusta Santos

Institute of Chemistry (IQ): Adriana Vitorino Rossi

PROEC University Extension Award

Faculty of Applied Sciences (FCA): Eliana de Toledo Ishibashi

Faculty of Education (FE): Debora Mazza

(Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism FEC): Paulo José Rocha de Albuquerque 

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering (FEEC): João Marcos Travassos Romano 

Faculty of Physical Education (FEF): José Irineu Gorla

Faculty of Chemical Engineering (FEQ): Marisa Masumi Beppu 

Institute of Biology (IB): Antonia Cecília Zacagnini Amaral

Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computing (IMECC): João Frederico da Costa Azevedo Meyer

Institute of Chemistry (IQ): Fábio Augusto 

Institute of Geosciences (IG): Roberto Greco

cover image
audio description: color photograph of the entrance to the unicamp campus, where there is a sign with the name of the University


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Culture & Society

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Writer and columnist, the sociologist was president of the National Association of Postgraduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences in the 2003-2004 biennium