Unicamp and the Vladimir Herzog Institute are promoting the first edition of the "Unicamp-Instituto Vladimir Herzog Academic Recognition Award in Human Rights" at the beginning of 2021. The initiative recognizes research in different areas of knowledge carried out by the three public universities in São Paulo - Unicamp, USP and Unesp -, which demonstrate commitment to the promotion and defense of Human Rights. Registration closes until January 31st.
Created through an agreement between Unicamp and the Vladimir Herzog Institute approved in November 2020, the award's principles are to encourage the development of research, methods, knowledge and technologies that promote respect for the dignity and sustainability of life, the overcoming inequalities, preserving natural and cultural resources, respect, empathy and a culture of peace and training professionals committed to these values. In this first edition, the award is aimed at the three state universities in São Paulo, but there is already an intention to include other institutions in future editions.
"Our intention is to invite researchers from different areas to reflect on the contribution they have already made or may make to human rights, considering in their work - whether through themes, methods or results - the confrontation of inequality, prejudice and the degradation of living conditions, from access to decent work to access to natural resources and their preservation", explains Néri de Barros Almeida, executive director of Human Rights at Unicamp. She also emphasizes the importance of all areas of knowledge being represented by the award categories. According to the director, this is a way of fostering a culture of rights, that is, of producing awareness that everyone has responsibilities to play in promoting and protecting human dignity.
Marcelo Knobel, rector of Unicamp, comments that the award also has the potential to draw society's attention to the important work carried out by the three public universities in São Paulo in promoting Human Rights. "We have several works and research that deal with Human Rights and, often, they do not have a very large impact on society. This award aims to give recognition and visibility to this research. It is a topic that, unfortunately, is still very current and is It is important that we, as a public university, deal with these issues in a very serious and committed way", points out Knobel.
Prizes will be awarded for works carried out within the scope of Undergraduate (monographs, course completion works or scientific initiations), Master's (dissertation) and Doctorate (thesis) in four categories: exact sciences and technology; natural, health and environmental sciences; social sciences and education; communication and language sciences. To compete for the award, research must have been defended and approved throughout 2020. Three tributes will also be paid to researchers, academics or research groups that make important contributions to Human Rights.
The registered research will be evaluated by a committee made up of professors from different areas of knowledge, representatives of the Vladimir Herzog Institute, the State Council for the Defense of Human Rights, the OAB Human Rights Commission and the Executive Directorate of Human Rights at Unicamp . Néri de Barros Almeida highlights the importance of the partnership with the Vladimir Herzog Institute - an institution highlighted in its work in promoting Human Rights - which recognizes and supports the university's efforts in favor of fundamental rights. The partnership also favors, according to Néri, the dissemination of research within society and the recognition of the role of the university in promoting the common good.
"We hope that over time more researchers will realize the contribution they can make to Human Rights, and that this association between research and Human Rights will inspire new generations of researchers to bring innovative points of view to the treatment of issues related to promoting the dignity of life ", points out Néri.
The executive director of the Vladimir Herzog Institute, Rogério Sotilli, commented on the importance of the initiative and the partnership with Unicamp: "The Academic Recognition Award in Human Rights is an incentive for students and researchers to produce knowledge, in all areas of science and of technology, guided by and committed to respect for human dignity. We believe that universities, especially public ones, can make fundamental contributions to the fight and mobilization for human rights. In the context of the intensification of violence and inequality that we face, it is We need to value scientific research that helps us move towards a fairer and more supportive country. When Unicamp proposed this action that also bears the name of Vladimir Herzog, we felt deeply honored, as we share the understanding that the legacy of this great journalist must be perpetuated in Brazilian society along with initiatives, like this one, that promote the values that Vlado defended in life".
Check out the text of the Resolution CONSU-A-061/2020, which establishes the award. The complete notice and online registration link are available on the Executive Directorate of Human Rights.