GR Resolution no. 004/2021, from 25/01/2021
Rector: Marcelo Knobel
Dprovides for the suspension of non-essential face-to-face activities on UNICAMP campuses from 26/01/2021 due to the worsening of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
The Rector of the State University of Campinas,
Considering the worsening of the pandemic in the state indicated by the increase in cases, hospitalizations and deaths.
Considering the need to avoid crowds, especially activities that bring together large numbers of people in closed spaces;
Considering the need to maintain control over the transmission of Covid-19, aiming to prevent contagion on Unicamp premises;
Considering that prevention through social distancing is one of the effective measures to combat the pandemic;
Considering that it is essential to keep the University's health area fully functioning, which is part of the Unified Health System network;
Considering compliance with the protocols established by the MS and Joint Ordinance ME and MPT 20/2002, State Decree 65.032, of 27/6/2020 and Ordinances and Resolutions published by UNICAMP;
Considering that in the reclassification announced on 22/01/2021, 78% of the state's population is in the Red Phase and 22% in the Orange Phase (including the Campinas and Piracicaba regions), the two most restricted in the São Paulo Plan.
Considering Unicamp's COVID-19 Coping Plan, especially the planned in Resolution GR nº. 93/2020, which amended Resolution GR No. 87/2020, which guides and regulates the gradual resumption of face-to-face activities at the University,
Download the following Resolution:
Art. 1 ° - Pursuant to § 5 of article 1 of GR Resolution No. 93/2020, non-essential face-to-face activities (academic, administrative and public events at Unicamp) are suspended from 26/01/2021 until the reclassification of regions of Campinas and Piracicaba (which includes the city of Limeira) to the Yellow phase of the São Paulo Plan and these regions remain in the Yellow phase for at least 14 consecutive days, maintaining essential administrative activities and those in the health area, in the form defined here.
Sole Paragraph - The University's academic and administrative activities must continue to take place remotely.
Art. 2º - The essential administrative activities of University Units and Bodies may operate on a contingency or rotation basis, allowing teleworking during the period, according to the specific planning of each location and, it is up to the management of each body to adopt measures that make this practice viable .
§ 1 - Teleworking, whenever possible, should be prioritized in administrative bodies,
§ 2 - During the period of suspension of activities, the attendance of employees will be measured according to the previously published contingency plan.
§ 3 - During this suspension of face-to-face activities, employees may be asked to return to work at any time.
Art. 3º - For the purposes of this Resolution, activities essential to the functioning of UNICAMP are those provided for in §§ 1 and 2 of art. 1 of Resolution GR No. 34/2020, as detailed below:
I – health care and hospital activities, including CEB activities;
II – administrative activities to support health care activities;
III – cleaning service for hospital areas and other areas in person;
IV - surveillance service;
V – food service;
VI – administrative services necessary for the continued operation of the University;
VII – IT support services;
VIII – activities that require personal care, such as vivariums, greenhouses, and large equipment that cannot be turned off.
§ 1 - Employees who do not carry out essential activities must remain in quarantine and telework during the period.
§ 2 - The managers of the areas indicated in this article will define how to carry out their activities, in order to guarantee their functioning.
Art. 4º - Resolution 80/2020 remains in force, which provides that Teaching and Research Units, Centers and Nuclei may, exceptionally, continue research activities, on a temporary and sporadic basis, that present a risk of irreparable compromise and that are proven not to be have found an alternative to using laboratories.
Sole paragraph - These exceptionalities must be previously evaluated and approved by the COVID-19 Crisis Committee of the Teaching and Research Unit, of the
Center or Nucleus, which will analyze the proposal from interested parties, which must indicate the losses to the research and the detailed plan for the timely resumption of the activity.
Art. 5º - This Resolution will come into force on the date of its publication, revoking any provisions to the contrary.
Marcelo Knobel